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var nexturl ="";
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var param;
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function myFunction() {
param = $('#search').val();
//alert("I am an alert box!");
if (param != "") {
//alert("Show ");
var u = 'https://graph.facebook.com/search/?callback=&limit=5&q='+param;
$("#data").empty(); //empty the data div
//alert("Wait for 5 sec?");
//alert("When myFunction runs show more line 20");
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var u = nexturl;
<title>Facebook Status Search - Search Facebook Status in Real Time</title>
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<h1 style="display:inline; font-family: 'klavika_boldbold_tf';color: #FFFFFF;padding-left:50px;padding-left: 50px;font-size:30px;" ><a style="color:#fff;" href="http://www.fbstatussearch.com">facebook status search</a></h1>
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<h4>How To Use</h4>
<p>Write down the tag to be searched in the top search area. For example,type in,<br>
and you will get the latest relevant Facebook updates of <strong>all the people around the world</strong> that have used the word <strong>"Yahoo"</strong>.</p>
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<h4>Why Use it?</h4>
<p>Here is why you would <em>love it</em>.</p>
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<p>Copyright 2013. All rights reserved. We are not linked with Facebook.<br>
Created by <a href="http://www.facebook.com/fahd92">Fahad Uddin</a>.
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function getResults(u) {
$("#data").empty(); // print that we are in
dataType: "jsonp",
url: u,
success: function(res) { // take an object res
$("#status").show(); // show status
if (res.data.length) { // check length of res
// print if >0
nexturl = res.paging.next; // calculate next url
$.each(res.data, function(i,item){
if (item.id != lastid) {
lastid = item.id;
var html ="<div class=\"post\">";
html += "<div class=\"message\"><a href=\"http:\/\/www.facebook.com\/profile.php?id="+item.from.id+"\">"+item.from.name+"</a> ";
if (item.message) {
html += item.message+"<\/div>";
} else {
html += "<\/div>";
if (item.picture) {
html += "<div class=\"image\"><img src=\""+item.picture+"\"></div>";
} else {
html += "<div class=\"image\"><\/div>";
if (item.link) {
html += "<div class=\"link\"><a href=\""+item.link+"\">"+item.name+"</a></div>";
if (item.caption) {
html += "<div class=\"caption\">"+item.caption+"</div>";
if (item.description) {
html += "<div class=\"description\">"+item.description+"</div>";
html += "<div class=\"meta\">";
if (item.icon) {
html += "<span class=\"icon\"><img src=\""+item.icon+"\"></span> ";
var t = item.created_time;
var time = t.substring(0,19)+"\+00:00";
html += "<span class=\"time\">"+$.cuteTime({},time)+"<\/span> ";
html += " <\/div>";
html +="</div>";
$("#data").append(html) ;
} else {
$("#data").append("<h3 class=\"none\">No entries found. Please try another search.</h3>");