“输入 #1,数字(行,列)”行给了我一个运行时错误 9。有什么想法吗?代码中的注释解释了应该发生的事情。
Sub InputImage()
'brings a text file to the workbook
Dim Row As Long, Column As Long, Nrow As Long, Ncolumn As Long
Call MsgBox("Navigate to a folder that contains the file image.txt in the 00_18 folder")
' The next statement will open a dialogue box that will let
' the user navigate to any folder on their system
Call Application.GetOpenFilename
Open "image.txt" For Input As #1
Dim Buffer As String
Line Input #1, Buffer 'read a whole line of characters from
'file #1 into the string variable buffer
Line Input #1, Buffer
Input #1, Buffer, Nrow
Input #1, Buffer, Ncolumn
Dim Numbers(1 To 4, 1 To 4) As Long
For Row = 1 To Nrow
For Column = 1 To Ncolumn
Input #1, Numbers(Row, Column)
Next Column
Next Row
Close #1
End Sub