我一直在尝试用 Python 编写自己的物理引擎,作为物理和编程的练习。我从遵循此处的教程开始。进展顺利,但后来我发现了 thomas jakobsen 的文章“高级角色物理”,其中介绍了使用 Verlet 集成进行模拟,我觉得这很吸引人。

我一直在尝试使用 verlet 集成编写自己的基本物理模拟器,但结果比我最初预期的要困难一些。我正在浏览要阅读的示例程序,偶然发现了这个用 Python 编写的程序,我还发现了这个使用处理的教程。

Processing 版本让我印象深刻的是它的运行速度。仅布料就有 2400 个不同的模拟点,这还不包括身体。

python 示例只为布料使用了 256 个粒子,它以大约每秒 30 帧的速度运行。我尝试将粒子数增加到 2401(它必须是正方形才能使该程序工作),它以大约 3 fps 的速度运行。


for (int i = 0; i < pointmasses.size(); i++) {
    PointMass pointmass = (PointMass) pointmasses.get(i);


Eric Pavey - 2010-07-03 - www.akeric.com

Riding on the shoulders of giants.
I wanted to learn now to do 'verlet cloth' in Python\Pygame.  I first ran across
this post \ source:

Which pointed to some good reference, that was a dead link.  After some searching,
I found it here:
Which is a 2001 SIGGRAPH paper by Thomas Jakobsen called:
"GDC 2001: Advanced Characer Physics".

This code is a Python\Pygame interpretation of that 2001 Siggraph paper.  I did
borrow some code from 'domlebo's source code, it was a great starting point.  But
I'd like to think I put my own flavor on it.

# Imports & Initis
import sys
from math import sqrt

# Vec2D comes from here: http://pygame.org/wiki/2DVectorClass
from vec2d import Vec2d
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *

# Constants
TITLE = "verletCloth01"
WIDTH = 600
HEIGHT = 600
# How many iterations to run on our constraints per frame?
# This will 'tighten' the cloth, but slow the sim.
GRAVITY = Vec2d(0.0,0.05)
TSTEP = 2.8

# How many pixels to position between each particle?
PSTEP = int(WIDTH*.03)
# Offset in pixels from the top left of screen to position grid:
OFFSET = int(.25*WIDTH)

# Define helper functions, classes

class Particle(object):
    Stores position, previous position, and where it is in the grid.
    def __init__(self, screen, currentPos, gridIndex):
        # Current Position : m_x
        self.currentPos = Vec2d(currentPos)
        # Index [x][y] of Where it lives in the grid
        self.gridIndex = gridIndex
        # Previous Position : m_oldx
        self.oldPos = Vec2d(currentPos)
        # Force accumulators : m_a
        self.forces = GRAVITY
        # Should the particle be locked at its current position?
        self.locked = False
        self.followMouse = False

        self.colorUnlocked = Color('white')
        self.colorLocked = Color('green')
        self.screen = screen

    def __str__(self):
        return "Particle <%s, %s>"%(self.gridIndex[0], self.gridIndex[1])

    def draw(self):
        # Draw a circle at the given Particle.
        screenPos = (self.currentPos[0], self.currentPos[1])
        if self.locked:
            pygame.draw.circle(self.screen, self.colorLocked, (int(screenPos[0]),
                                                         int(screenPos[1])), 4, 0)
            pygame.draw.circle(self.screen, self.colorUnlocked, (int(screenPos[0]),
                                                         int(screenPos[1])), 1, 0)

class Constraint(object):
    Stores 'constraint' data between two Particle objects.  Stores this data
    before the sim runs, to speed sim and draw operations.
    def __init__(self, screen, particles):
        self.particles = sorted(particles)
        # Calculate restlength as the initial distance between the two particles:
        self.restLength = sqrt(abs(pow(self.particles[1].currentPos.x -
                                       self.particles[0].currentPos.x, 2) +
                                   pow(self.particles[1].currentPos.y -
                                       self.particles[0].currentPos.y, 2)))
        self.screen = screen
        self.color = Color('red')

    def __str__(self):
        return "Constraint <%s, %s>"%(self.particles[0], self.particles[1])

    def draw(self):
        # Draw line between the two particles.
        p1 = self.particles[0]
        p2 = self.particles[1]
        p1pos = (p1.currentPos[0],
        p2pos = (p2.currentPos[0],
        pygame.draw.aaline(self.screen, self.color,
                           (p1pos[0], p1pos[1]), (p2pos[0], p2pos[1]), 1)

class Grid(object):
    Stores a grid of Particle objects.  Emulates a 2d container object.  Particle
    objects can be indexed by position:
        grid = Grid()
        particle = g[2][4]
    def __init__(self, screen, rows, columns, step, offset):

        self.screen = screen
        self.rows = rows
        self.columns = columns
        self.step = step
        self.offset = offset

        # Make our internal grid:
        # _grid is a list of sublists.
        #    Each sublist is a 'column'.
        #        Each column holds a particle object per row:
        # _grid =
        # [[p00, [p10, [etc,
        #   p01,  p11,
        #   etc], etc],     ]]
        self._grid = []
        for x in range(columns):
            for y in range(rows):
                currentPos = (x*self.step+self.offset, y*self.step+self.offset)
                self._grid[x].append(Particle(self.screen, currentPos, (x,y)))

    def getNeighbors(self, gridIndex):
        return a list of all neighbor particles to the particle at the given gridIndex:

        gridIndex = [x,x] : The particle index we're polling
        possNeighbors = []
        possNeighbors.append([gridIndex[0]-1, gridIndex[1]])
        possNeighbors.append([gridIndex[0], gridIndex[1]-1])
        possNeighbors.append([gridIndex[0]+1, gridIndex[1]])
        possNeighbors.append([gridIndex[0], gridIndex[1]+1])

        neigh = []
        for coord in possNeighbors:
            if (coord[0] < 0) | (coord[0] > self.rows-1):
            elif (coord[1] < 0) | (coord[1] > self.columns-1):

        finalNeighbors = []
        for point in neigh:
            finalNeighbors.append((point[0], point[1]))

        return finalNeighbors

    # Implement Container Type:

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.rows * self.columns)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self._grid[key]

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        self._grid[key] = value

    #def __delitem__(self, key):

    def __iter__(self):
        for x in self._grid:
            for y in x:
                yield y

    def __contains__(self, item):
        for x in self._grid:
            for y in x:
                if y is item:
                    return True
        return False

class ParticleSystem(Grid):
    Implements the verlet particles physics on the encapsulated Grid object.

    def __init__(self, screen, rows=49, columns=49, step=PSTEP, offset=OFFSET):
        super(ParticleSystem, self).__init__(screen, rows, columns, step, offset)

        # Generate our list of Constraint objects.  One is generated between
        # every particle connection.
        self.constraints = []
        for p in self:
            neighborIndices = self.getNeighbors(p.gridIndex)
            for ni in neighborIndices:
                # Get the neighbor Particle from the index:
                n = self[ni[0]][ni[1]]
                # Let's not add duplicate Constraints, which would be easy to do!
                new = True
                for con in self.constraints:
                    if n in con.particles and p in con.particles:
                        new = False
                if new:
                    self.constraints.append( Constraint(self.screen, (p,n)) )

        # Lock our top left and right particles by default:
        self[0][0].locked = True
        self[1][0].locked = True
        self[-2][0].locked = True
        self[-1][0].locked = True

    def verlet(self):
        # Verlet integration step:
        for p in self:
            if not p.locked:
                # make a copy of our current position
                temp = Vec2d(p.currentPos)
                p.currentPos += p.currentPos - p.oldPos + p.forces * TSTEP**2
                p.oldPos = temp
            elif p.followMouse:
                temp = Vec2d(p.currentPos)
                p.currentPos = Vec2d(pygame.mouse.get_pos())
                p.oldPos = temp

    def satisfyConstraints(self):
        # Keep particles together:
        for c in self.constraints:
            delta =  c.particles[0].currentPos - c.particles[1].currentPos
            deltaLength = sqrt(delta.dot(delta))
                # You can get a ZeroDivisionError here once, so let's catch it.
                # I think it's when particles sit on top of one another due to
                # being locked.
                diff = (deltaLength-c.restLength)/deltaLength
                if not c.particles[0].locked:
                    c.particles[0].currentPos -= delta*0.5*diff
                if not c.particles[1].locked:
                    c.particles[1].currentPos += delta*0.5*diff
            except ZeroDivisionError:

    def accumulateForces(self):
        # This doesn't do much right now, other than constantly reset the
        # particles 'forces' to be 'gravity'.  But this is where you'd implement
        # other things, like drag, wind, etc.
        for p in self:
            p.forces = GRAVITY

    def timeStep(self):
        # This executes the whole shebang:
        for i in range(ITERATE):

    def draw(self):
        Draw constraint connections, and particle positions:
        for c in self.constraints:
        #for p in self:
        #    p.draw()

    def lockParticle(self):
        If the mouse LMB is pressed for the first time on a particle, the particle
        will assume the mouse motion.  When it is pressed again, it will lock
        the particle in space.
        mousePos = Vec2d(pygame.mouse.get_pos())
        for p in self:
            dist2mouse = sqrt(abs(pow(p.currentPos.x -
                                      mousePos.x, 2) +
                                  pow(p.currentPos.y -
                                      mousePos.y, 2)))
            if dist2mouse < 10:
                if not p.followMouse:
                    p.locked = True
                    p.followMouse = True
                    p.oldPos = Vec2d(p.currentPos)
                    p.followMouse = False

    def unlockParticle(self):
        If the RMB is pressed on a particle, if the particle is currently
        locked or being moved by the mouse, it will be 'unlocked'/stop following
        the mouse.
        mousePos = Vec2d(pygame.mouse.get_pos())
        for p in self:
            dist2mouse = sqrt(abs(pow(p.currentPos.x -
                                      mousePos.x, 2) +
                                  pow(p.currentPos.y -
                                      mousePos.y, 2)))
            if dist2mouse < 5:
                p.locked = False

# Main Program
def main():
    # Screen Setup
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT))
    clock = pygame.time.Clock()

    # Create our grid of particles:
    particleSystem = ParticleSystem(screen)
    backgroundCol = Color('black')

    # main loop
    looping = True
    while looping:
        pygame.display.set_caption("%s -- www.AKEric.com -- LMB: move\lock - RMB: unlock - fps: %.2f"%(TITLE, clock.get_fps()) )

        # Detect for events
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                looping = False
            elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                if event.button == 1:
                    # See if we can make a particle follow the mouse and lock
                    # its position when done.
                if event.button == 3:
                    # Try to unlock the current particles position:

        # Do stuff!

        # update our display:

# Execution from shell\icon:
if __name__ == "__main__":
    print "Running Python version:", sys.version
    print "Running PyGame version:", pygame.ver
    print "Running %s.py"%TITLE

因为这两个程序的工作方式大致相同,但是 Python 版本要慢得多,这让我想知道:

  • 这种性能差异是 Python 本质的一部分吗?
  • 如果我想从我自己的 Python 程序中获得更好的性能,我应该怎么做?例如,将所有粒子的属性存储在一个数组中,而不是使用单个对象等。


@Mr E 在评论中链接了 PyCon 谈话,@A。Rosa 对链接资源的回答极大地帮助了我们更好地理解如何编写好的、快速的 python 代码。我现在将此页面添加为书签以供将来参考:D


4 回答 4


在 Python Wiki的性能提示部分中链接了Guido van Rossum 的文章。在其结论中,您可以阅读以下句子:

如果您觉得需要速度,请使用内置函数 - 您无法击败用 C 编写的循环。

本文继续列出循环优化的指南。我推荐这两种资源,因为它们提供了有关优化 Python 代码的具体实用建议。

benchmarksgame.alioth.debian.org 中还有一组著名的基准测试,您可以在其中找到不同机器中不同程序和语言之间的比较。可以看出,有很多变量在起作用,使得不可能的状态像Java 比 Python 更快。这通常被总结为“语言没有速度;实现有”这句话。

在您的代码中,可以使用内置函数应用更多 Pythonic 和更快的替代方案。例如,有几个嵌套循环(其中一些不需要处理整个列表)可以使用imaplist comprehensions重写。PyPy也是提高性能的另一个有趣的选择。我不是 Python 优化方面的专家,但是有很多非常有用的技巧(注意不要用 Python 编写 Java就是其中之一!)。

关于 SO 的资源和另一个相关问题:

于 2013-03-13T02:02:01.447 回答

如果像写 Java 一样写 Python,当然会慢一些,惯用的 java 不能很好地转换成惯用的 Python。

这种性能差异是 Python 本质的一部分吗?如果我想从我自己的 Python 程序中获得更好的性能,我应该怎么做?例如,将所有粒子的属性存储在一个数组中,而不是使用单个对象等。


以下是 python 和 java 之间有时可能会影响性能的差异的不完整列表:

  1. 处理使用立即模式画布,如果您想要在 Python 中获得相当的性能,您还需要使用立即模式画布。大多数 GUI 框架中的画布(包括 Tkinter 画布)都是保留模式,这种模式更易于使用,但本质上比即时模式慢。您需要使用 pygame、SDL 或 Pyglet 提供的即时模式画布。

  2. Python 是动态语言,这意味着实例成员访问、模块成员访问和全局变量访问在运行时解决。python中的实例成员访问、模块成员访问、全局变量访问,其实就是字典访问。在 java 中,它们在编译时就被解析了,而且速度更快。将经常访问的全局变量、模块变量和属性缓存到局部变量中。

  3. 在 python 2.x 中, range() 产生一个具体的列表,在 python 中,使用迭代器完成的迭代,for item in list通常比使用迭代变量完成的迭代快for n in range(len(list))。您几乎应该总是直接使用迭代器进行迭代,而不是使用 range(len(...)) 进行迭代。

  4. Python 的数字是不可变的,这意味着任何算术计算都会分配一个新对象。这就是为什么普通 python 不太适合低级计算的原因之一;大多数希望能够编写低级计算而不必求助于编写 C 扩展的人通常使用 cython、psyco 或 numpy。但是,这通常只有在您进行数百万次计算时才会成为问题。

这只是部分的、非常不完整的列表,还有很多其他原因导致将 java 转换为 python 会产生次优代码。如果没有看到你的代码,就不可能知道你需要做什么不同的事情。优化的 python 代码通常看起来与优化的 java 代码非常不同。

于 2013-03-13T00:13:38.957 回答


  • 牛顿游戏动力学
  • 花栗鼠
  • 子弹
  • Box2D
  • ODE(开放动态引擎)


  • 皮芒克
  • PyBullet
  • PyBox2D
  • PyODE

如果您通读这些引擎的文档,您经常会发现声明它们针对速度进行了优化(30fps - 60fps)。但是,如果您认为他们可以在计算“真实”物理时做到这一点,那您就错了。大多数引擎计算物理到普通用户无法从光学上区分“真实”物理行为和“模拟”物理行为的程度。但是,如果您调查错误,如果您想编写游戏,则可以忽略不计。但如果你想做物理,所有这些引擎对你都没用。这就是为什么我会说,如果你在做一个真正的物理模拟,你会比那些设计的引擎慢,而且你永远不会超过另一个物理引擎。

于 2013-03-13T08:26:28.963 回答

基于粒子的物理模拟很容易转化为线性代数运算,即。矩阵运算。Numpy 提供了这样的操作,这些操作是在 Fortran/C/C++ 中实现的。编写良好的 python/Numpy 代码(充分利用语言和库)允许编写相当快的代码。

于 2013-04-28T01:40:09.903 回答