基本上,我正在遍历 html 文件并寻找几个正则表达式。它们匹配很好,但我不希望每个文件都包含匹配项,但是当循环运行时,每次迭代都包含相同的匹配项(尽管它不在该文件中)。我假设通过使用 $1 它在每次迭代中都保持不变。
# array of diff filenames
opendir(TDIR, "$folder/diff/$today") || die "can't opendir $today: $!";
@diffList = grep !/^\.\.?$/, readdir(TDIR);
closedir TDIR;
# List of diff files
print "List of Diff files:\n" . join("\n", @diffList) . "\n\n";
for($counter = 0; $counter < scalar(@diffList); $counter++) {
# Open diff file, read in to string
$filename = $diffList[$counter];
open FILE, "<", "$folder/diff/$today/$filename";
while(<FILE>) {
$lines .= $_;
close FILE or warn "$0: close today/$filename: $!";
# Use regular expressions to extract the found differences
if($lines =~ m/$plus1(.*?)$span/s) {
$plus = $1;
"a" =~ m/a/;
} else {$plus = "0";}
if($lines =~ m/$minus1(.*?)$span/s) {
$minus = $1;
"a" =~ m/.*/;
} else {$minus = "0";}
# If changes were found, send them to the database
if($plus ne "0" && $minus ne "0") {
# Do stuff
$plus = "0";
$minus = "0";
如果我在“do stuff”中放置一个打印件,它总是正确的,并且总是显示在其中一个文件中找到的相同的两个值。希望我已经很好地解释了我的情况。任何建议表示赞赏,谢谢。