我正在编写一个带有进位/溢出检查的通用加法器,并且大量使用了 c++11 类型检查功能。
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define MIN_OF(TYPE) ( (std::is_signed<decltype(res)>::value) ? \
(1 << ( ( sizeof(decltype(res)) * 8 ) - 1)) : \
0 )
#define MAX_OF(TYPE) (~MIN_OF(TYPE))
#define ABS(x) (x < 0 ? -x : x)
class Flags
void setSign(bool x)
cout << boolalpha;
cout << "setSign: " << x << endl;
void setOverflow(bool x)
cout << boolalpha;
cout << "setOverflow: " << x << endl;
void setCarry(bool x)
cout << boolalpha;
cout << "setCarry: " << x << endl;
void setZero(bool x)
cout << boolalpha;
cout << "setZero: " << x << endl;
template <typename TYPE, TYPE def>
class Value
static inline TYPE get()
return def;
static inline void set(TYPE x)
cout << "value: " << hex << x << endl;
template <class A, class B, class RES>
struct ADD
static void Do(Flags* _flags)
if (std::is_convertible<decltype(A::get()),decltype(RES::get())>::value)
decltype(A::get()) _a = A::get();
decltype(B::get()) _b = B::get();
decltype(RES::get()) res = _a;
if (_b != 0)
res = res + _b;
if (std::is_signed<decltype(res)>::value)
unsigned char highestbit_a = static_cast<unsigned char>(0x1 & (_a >> (( sizeof(decltype(_a)) * 8 ) - 1)));
unsigned char highestbit_b = static_cast<unsigned char>(0x1 & (_b >> (( sizeof(decltype(_b)) * 8 ) - 1)));
unsigned char highestbit_res = static_cast<unsigned char>(0x1 & (res >> (( sizeof(decltype(res)) * 8 ) - 1)));
_flags->setSign( (res < 0) );
_flags->setOverflow( ((highestbit_a & highestbit_b) != highestbit_res) );
_flags->setSign( false );
_flags->setOverflow( false );
bool setCarryFlag = false;
if (std::is_signed<decltype(_b)>::value)
if(_b < 0)
/* as _b is negative, we add _b to lowest_res, if the result
* is greater as _a, _a + _b (with _b as negative number) would
* result in an carry out
setCarryFlag = (static_cast<decltype(_a)>(ABS((MIN_OF(decltype(res)) - _b))) > _a);
setCarryFlag = (static_cast<decltype(_a)>((MAX_OF(decltype(res)) - _b)) < _a);
//get difference of one summand to results highest until carry
/* MARKED LINE: this branch gets wrongly checked */
setCarryFlag = ((MAX_OF(decltype(res)) - _b) < _a);
_flags->setCarry( setCarryFlag );
if (std::is_signed<decltype(res)>::value)
_flags->setSign( (res < 0) );
_flags->setZero( (res == 0) );
//store result
int main()
Flags* f = new Flags();
ADD<Value<unsigned int, 1>, Value<signed int, 6>, Value<unsigned int, 1>>::Do(f);
return 0;
问题出现在“MARKED LINE:”。通常,我会理解编译器不会使用这个分支,因为 _b 是有符号 int 的类型,所以 is_signed 应该是真的,所以编译器应该只使用 if-branch 中的 whats 并丢弃 else 分支。但它似乎没有这样做,因为我收到警告:
warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]|
编译器是:x86-64 上的 gcc 4.7.2,debian