我已经看到几个对 WebServiceHost2Factory 的引用作为用于有效处理 WCF Rest 服务中的错误的类。显然对于那个类,我只需要抛出一个 WebProtocolException 并且响应的主体将包含相关信息。
那个班级现在似乎已经失宠了。.NET 4 堆栈中的某个地方有替代品吗?
如果出现问题,我试图弄清楚如何在对 POST 操作的响应正文中返回错误文本。关键问题在所有 * 旁边
[Description("Performs a full enroll and activation of the member into the Loyalty program")]
[WebInvoke(Method = "POST", UriTemplate = "/fullenroll/{clientDeviceId}",
BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Bare,
RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json,
ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]
public MemberInfo FullEnroll(string clientDeviceId, FullEnrollmentRequest request)
Log.DebugFormat("FullEnroll. ClientDeviceId: {0}, Request:{1}", clientDeviceId, request);
MemberInfo ret = null;
//Do stuff
catch (FaultException<LoyaltyException> fex)
Log.ErrorFormat("[loyalty full enroll] Caught faultexception attempting to full enroll. Message: {0}, Reason: {1}, Data: {2}", fex.Message, fex.Reason, fex.Detail.ExceptionMessage);
HandleException("FullEnroll", fex, fex.Detail.ExceptionMessage);
catch (Exception e)
"[loyalty full enroll] Caught exception attempting to full enroll. Exception: {0}", e);
HandleException("FullEnroll", e);
return ret;
/// <summary>
/// Deals w/ the response when Exceptions are thrown
/// </summary>
private static Exception HandleException(string function, Exception e, string statusMessage = null)
// Set the return context, handle the error
if (WebOperationContext.Current != null)
var response = WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse;
// Set the error code based on the Exception
var errorNum = 500;
if (e is HttpException)
errorNum = ((HttpException)e).ErrorCode;
response.StatusCode = (HttpStatusCode) Enum.Parse(typeof (HttpStatusCode), errorNum.ToString());
response.StatusDescription = statusMessage;
// ****************************************************
// How can I return this as the body of the Web Method?
// ****************************************************
return (e is HttpException) ? e : new HttpException(500, string.Format("{0} caught an exception", function));