我正在尝试在我的 Windows 7 计算机上使用 Cygwin 运行 Tuning Primer 以检查我的一些数据库。
No valid socket file "" found!
/cygdrive/c/Users/MID-PC/Downloads/tuning-primer.sh: line 109: tput: comando não encontrado
The mysqld process is not running or it is installed in a custom location.
/cygdrive/c/Users/MID-PC/Downloads/tuning-primer.sh: line 109: tput: comando não encontrado
If you are sure mysqld is running, execute script in "prompt" mode or set
/cygdrive/c/Users/MID-PC/Downloads/tuning-primer.sh: line 109: tput: comando não encontrado
the socket= variable at the top of this script
/cygdrive/c/Users/MID-PC/Downloads/tuning-primer.sh: line 109: tput: comando não encontrado
关于如何手动设置此套接字的任何想法?(是的,我确实在这台机器上运行了 MySQL)