我正在编辑从 FireBird 到 SQL Server 2008 的代码,但语法有问题。我不确定错误在哪里。我没有编写这段代码,我对 SQL Server 的理解并不完全,所以我需要建议。
select *
select A.*,floor(Hotove) Hotove,floor(Rozpracovane) Rozpracovane,floor(buffer) buffer from (
select typ,min(ID) ID ,
convert(varchar(10), cast(min(case when PocetDnuMy<>-1000 then Dat2 else
cast(Dateadd(year, 5, getDate()) as float) end ) as datetime), 104) Datum,
min(dat2) dat2, min(Description) Description,
min(Rada) Rada, min(CisloDokladu) CisloDokladu,
min(JmenoFirmy) JmenoFirmy, min(Produkt) Produkt,
min(CastProduktu) CastProduktu, min(ResStrana) ResStrana,
Resitel, min(IC) IC, min(ICID) ICID,
case when max(PocetDnuMy)>182 then 'color: red;font-weight:bold;Text-decoration:underline'
when max(PocetDnuMy )>10 then 'color: red;font-weight:bold'
when max(PocetDnuMy )>0 then 'color: red'
when max(PocetDnuMy )<0 then 'color: green'
end Color,
count(ID) Pocet, max( PocetDnuMy ) NejviceMy,
sum(case when PocetDnuMy>0 then PocetDnuMy else 0 end) CelkemDnuMy,
ResitelID, sum(case when PocetDnuMy>0 then 1 else 0 end) PocetProdleni
select 'b' typ,
DVB.id as Id,
convert(varchar(10), cast(DVB.[DocDate$DATE] as datetime), 104) as Datum,
DVB.[DocDate$DATE] Dat2,
DVB.ShortDesc AS Description,
DQ.code as Rada,
DVB.ordnumber as CisloDokladu,
F.name as JmenoFirmy,
DVPR.Code as Produkt,
DVPA.Code as CastProduktu,
when (US.userstatuscode='Čeká se na řešitele')or
(US.userstatuscode='Nezač.-Čeká na přiděl.řešitel')or
(US.userstatuscode='Odsouhlaseno zákazníkem')
then cast(getDate() as float)-DVB.[DocDate$DATE]
else -1000
end PocetDnuMy,
when (US.userstatuscode='Čeká se na řešitele')or
(US.userstatuscode='Nezač.-Čeká na přiděl.řešitel')or
(US.userstatuscode='Odsouhlaseno zákazníkem')
then 0
else cast(getDate() as float)-DVB.DocDate$DATE
end PocetDnuoni,
CONVERT(VARCHAR(4),cast(DVB.[DocDate$DATE] as datetime),112) test2,
when (US.userstatuscode='Čeká se na řešitele')or
(US.userstatuscode='Nezač.-Čeká na přiděl.řešitel')or
(US.userstatuscode='Odsouhlaseno zákazníkem')
then 'flores.png'
else 'nopic.jpg'
end AS ResStrana,
SU.Name AS Resitel,
SU.ID as ResitelID,
when LEFT(DVB.X_Zkratka2, 1)='C' then DVB.X_Zkratka2
when LEFT(DVB.X_Zkratka2, 1)<>'C' then ''
end AS IC,
RIGHT(DVB.X_Zkratka2, 6) AS ICID
join devproducts AS DVPR on DVB.Product_ID=DVPR.ID
join devparts AS DVPA on DVB.Part_ID=DVPA.ID and CHARINDEX('H',DVPA.Code)<>1
join userstatuses US on DVB.status_id=US.id
join periods P on DVB.period_id=P.id
join docqueues DQ on DVB.docqueue_id=DQ.id and DQ.Code<>'POZ'
join firms F on DVB.firm_id=F.id
join SecurityUsers AS SU on DVB.ResponsibleUser_ID=SU.ID
(US.userstatuscode<>'Hotovo' and
US.userstatuscode<>'Uzamčeno' and
US.userstatuscode<>'Odloženo' and
AND (DVPA.Code='A' or DVPA.Code='B' or DVPA.Code='C' or DVPA.Code='HA' or DVPA.Code='HB' or DVPA.Code='HC' or DVPA.Code='Z' or DVPA.Code='OBJ' or DVPA.Code='-') ) B
group by Resitel,ResitelID, typ) A
left outer join (SELECT sum(A.X_Ef_Cas) EfCas,sum(A.X_Ef_Cas*Pomer) HodPrem,A.Worker_ID,
sum(case when ((S.UserStatusCode in ('Hotovo','Uzamčeno','Zamítnuto')) or D.X_Zkratka2='Telefonista') then A.X_Ef_Cas*Pomer else 0 end) Hotove,
sum(case when ((S.UserStatusCode in ('Hotovo','Uzamčeno','Zamítnuto')) or D.X_Zkratka2='Telefonista') then 0 else A.X_Ef_Cas*Pomer end) Rozpracovane
FROM DevBugs as D
join DevTimeRecords A on D.id =A.DevDocument_ID
JOIN UserStatuses as S ON S.ID = D.Status_ID
join DevProducts DP ON DP.ID=D.Product_ID
join devparts AS DVPA on D.Part_ID=DVPA.ID and CHARINDEX('H',DVPA.Code)<>1
(select D.ID,case when sum(A.X_Ef_Cas)>EstimatedTime then EstimatedTime/sum(A.X_Ef_Cas) else 1 end Pomer
FROM DevBugs as D
join DevTimeRecords A on D.id =A.DevDocument_ID
join DevProducts DP ON DP.ID=D.Product_ID
WHERE x_PremieObd=0
and (CHARINDEX('Cestovné Km', D.ShortDesc)<=0)
and (CHARINDEX('Čas na cestě', D.ShortDesc)<=0)
and (CHARINDEX('ST', D.X_Zkratka2)<>1)
and (D.X_Zkratka2<> 'RE')
and DP.Code in ('ZP','SI','FLORES')
and (DP.Code<>'FLORES' or (DP.Code='FLORES' and not A.Worker_ID in ('DD00000101','FD00000101')))
group by D.ID,D.EstimatedTime) Pomery on Pomery.ID=D.ID
(D.X_Zkratka2<> 'RE')
and (CHARINDEX('Cestovné Km', D.ShortDesc)<=0)
and (CHARINDEX('Čas na cestě', D.ShortDesc)<=0)
and (CHARINDEX('ST', D.X_Zkratka2)<>1)
and DP.Code in ('ZP','SI','FLORES')
and (DP.Code<>'FLORES' or (DP.Code='FLORES' and not A.Worker_ID in ('DD00000101','FD00000101')))
and x_PremieObd=0
group by Worker_ID ) premie on Worker_ID=ResitelID
left outer join (select sum(buffer) buffer,ResponsibleUser_ID from
(select D.ID, ResponsibleUser_ID, case when (sum(A.X_Ef_Cas)>EstimatedTime ) then 0 when sum(A.X_Ef_Cas)is null then EstimatedTime else (EstimatedTime- sum(A.X_Ef_Cas)) end buffer
FROM DevBugs as D
left outer join DevTimeRecords A on D.id =A.DevDocument_ID
join DevProducts DP ON DP.ID=D.Product_ID
join userstatuses US on D.status_id=US.id
join devparts AS DVPA on D.Part_ID=DVPA.ID and CHARINDEX('H',DVPA.Code)<>1
(CHARINDEX('Cestovné Km', D.ShortDesc)<=0)
and (CHARINDEX('Čas na cestě', D.ShortDesc)<=0)
and (CHARINDEX('ST', D.X_Zkratka2)<>1)
and (D.X_Zkratka2<> 'RE')
and D.X_Zkratka2<>'Telefonista'
and DP.Code in ('ZP','SI','FLORES')
and (DP.Code<>'FLORES' or (DP.Code='FLORES' and not A.Worker_ID in ('DD00000101','FD00000101')))
US.userstatuscode<>'Hotovo' and
US.userstatuscode<>'Uzamčeno' and
US.userstatuscode<>'Odloženo' and
group by D.ID, D.ResponsibleUser_ID, D.EstimatedTime)
group by ResponsibleUser_ID ) buffer on buffer.ResponsibleUser_ID =ResitelID
union all
select 'a' typ,
DVB.id as Id,
convert(varchar(10), cast(DVB.[DocDate$DATE] as datetime), 104) as Datum,
DVB.[DocDate$DATE] Dat2,
DVB.ShortDesc AS Description,
DQ.code as Rada,
DVB.ordnumber as CisloDokladu,
F.name as JmenoFirmy,
DVPR.Code as Produkt,
DVPA.Code as CastProduktu,
when (US.userstatuscode='Čeká se na řešitele')or
(US.userstatuscode='Nezač.-Čeká na přiděl.řešitel')or
(US.userstatuscode='Odsouhlaseno zákazníkem')
then 'flores.png'
else 'nopic.jpg'
end AS ResStrana,
SU.Name AS Resitel,
when LEFT(DVB.X_Zkratka2, 1)='C' then DVB.X_Zkratka2
when LEFT(DVB.X_Zkratka2, 1)<>'C' then ''
end AS IC,
RIGHT(DVB.X_Zkratka2, 6) AS ICID,
(DVB.[DocDate$DATE]< cast(getDate() as float)-182)
then 'color: red;font-weight:bold;Text-decoration:underline'
(DVB.[DocDate$DATE]< cast(getDate() as float)-10)
then 'color: red;font-weight:bold'
(DVB.[DocDate$DATE]< cast(getDate() as float))
then 'color: red'
(DVB.[DocDate$DATE]> cast(getDate() as float) )
then 'color: green'
end as Color,
0 as Pocet, 0 as NejviceMy, 0 as CelkemMy, ' ' ResitelID,
0 Hotove, 0 Rozpracovane, 0 buffer, 0 PocetProdleni
join devproducts AS DVPR on DVB.Product_ID=DVPR.ID
join devparts AS DVPA on DVB.Part_ID=DVPA.ID
join userstatuses US on DVB.status_id=US.id
join periods P on DVB.period_id=P.id
join docqueues DQ on DVB.docqueue_id=DQ.id and DQ.Code<>'POZ'
join firms F on DVB.firm_id=F.id
join SecurityUsers AS SU on DVB.ResponsibleUser_ID=SU.ID
(US.userstatuscode<>'Hotovo' and
US.userstatuscode<>'Uzamčeno' and
US.userstatuscode<>'Odloženo' and
AND (DVPA.Code='A' or DVPA.Code='B' or DVPA.Code='C' or DVPA.Code='HA' or DVPA.Code='HB' or DVPA.Code='HC' or DVPA.Code='Z' or DVPA.Code='OBJ' or DVPA.Code='-')
) A
ORDER BY typ,NejviceMy desc,Dat2, Resitel ASC
SQL 错误 [156] [S1000]:关键字“组”附近的语法不正确。
SQL 错误 [102] [42000]:')' 附近的语法不正确。