

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;

namespace WindowsGame4.Main
  class Camera
    public Matrix transform;
    Viewport view;
    Vector2 centre;

    public Camera(Viewport newView)
        view = newView;

    public void Update(GameTime gameTime, Game1 lander, Lander _lander)
        centre = new Vector2(_lander.Position.X + (lander.lander.Width / 2) - 455, _lander.Position.Y + (lander.lander.Height/2)-910);
        transform = Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(-centre.X - _lander.Velocity.X, -centre.Y - _lander.Velocity.Y, 0));


    // Creates the handler to allow the use of the keyboard inputs
            KeyboardState keyboard = Keyboard.GetState(); 
            // Sets up the launch position to allow for scoring and height determining
            startPos = 700f;                
            // Mainly for debug, allows for leaving the game whenever desired
            if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape))

       // The logic for the thruster, checks for if the space key is down and if 
       // the lander has any fuel remaining.  If there is no fuel the thrusters
       // will not work.
        if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) && !empty)
            _lander.Accelerate(_thruster.GetAcceleration(), gameTime.ElapsedGameTime);               
            // Turns on the thruster
            _thruster.Active = true; 
            // Tells the program that the lander has taken off, allowing the gravity to kick in
            landed = false;
            // Keeps track of the amount of fuel you have
            if (_lander.Fuel > 0)
                // Subtracts 1 from the fuel for every second that the 'SPACE' key is down
            else if (_lander.Fuel <= 0)
                empty = true;
                endPos = _lander.Position.Y;
        if (keyboard.IsKeyUp(Keys.Space) || empty)
            // Turns off the thruster as long as the player is not pressing 'SPACE'
            _thruster.Active = false; 

        // This is the logic structure for the landing portion of the game, it sets up a 
        // level area in which the player can land on, which in turn then checks the Position.X value
        // to see how many points to give based on their close proximity to the landing site.  
        // ** Could possibly add depth or different levels based on location, like landing on a mountain
        // ** Or landing in the bottom of a crater
        if (_lander.Position.Y >= 800)
            landed = true;
            // If you have died or Failed a mission 3 times then the game is over
            if (_lander.Lives == 1)
                currentGameState = GameState.GameOver;                    
            // As long as you have a life left the game will continue
            // This logic also is only applied if the player has landed on the ground
            // ** Add a rotational fixer as to make the lander stand straight up as opposed to the way its oriented
            // ** Upon landing
            else if (_lander.Lives > 0)
                    // Sets the landers position to the current position that its landed at, thus stopping the gravity
                    // Resets the velocity, thus making sure it doesnt continue to fall
                    _lander.Position = new Vector2(_lander.Position.X, _lander.Position.Y);
                    _lander.Velocity = new Vector2();

                    // Sets up the first landing site, this particular one is the highset value landing site is almost right 
                    // On top of the flag that is placed to indicate where to land.
                    // *** Will Not Use In Final Version, Will Substitue With Logic For Height And Cash Gained ***
                    if ((_lander.Position.X >= 600 && _lander.Position.X <= 650) || (_lander.Position.X <= 600 && _lander.Position.X >= 550))
                        // *** Will be implemented to display a "YOU HAVE FAILED THE MISSION" screen. ***
                        failure = false;
                        // This is for debugging purposes only, will change to be automatic once all functions are complete
                        if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Enter))
                            // (1) -- Resets the position of the lander back to its original position and Velocity
                            // (2) -- Add 150 points to the score based on the location that the lander set down at
                            // (3) -- Continues on to the next level

                            _lander.Position = new Vector2(graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth / 2, 100); // (1)
                            _lander.Velocity = new Vector2(); // (1)
                            _lander.Score += 150; // (2)
                            currentGameState = GameState.Level2; // (3) 
                    // Sets up the second landing site, this particular one is the second highest value landing site that is 
                    // A large circle surrounding the landing site above
                    else if ((_lander.Position.X >= 651 && _lander.Position.X <= 750 ) || (_lander.Position.X <= 549 && _lander.Position.X >= 450))
                        // *** Will be implemented to display a "YOU HAVE FAILED THE MISSION" screen. ***
                        failure = false;
                        // This is for debugging purposes only, will change to be automatic once all functions are complete
                        if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Enter))
                            // (1) -- Resets the position of the lander back to its original position and Velocity
                            // (2) -- Add 50 points to the score based on the location that the lander set down at
                            // (3) -- Continues on to the next level

                            _lander.Position = new Vector2(graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth / 2, 100); // (1)
                            _lander.Velocity = new Vector2(); // (1)
                            _lander.Score += 50; // (2)
                            currentGameState = GameState.Level2; // (3)
                    // Sets up the final landing site, this particular one is the failing portion of the map that is 
                    // A large area that encompasses the rest of the map.
                    else if ((_lander.Position.X >= 751 && _lander.Position.X <= 850) || (_lander.Position.X <= 449 && _lander.Position.X >= 0))
                        // You get no points so it does not only need to done once, it can be done as many times as needed
                        // And it will not change the data
                        _lander.Score = 0;
                        // *** Will be implemented to display a "YOU HAVE FAILED THE MISSION" screen. ***
                        failure = true;
                        // This is for debugging purposes only, will change to be automatic once all functions are complete
                        if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Enter))
                            // (1) -- Resets the position of the lander back to its original position and Velocity
                            // (2) -- Takes away one of your lives as a result of the players failure to land correctly

                            _lander.Position = new Vector2(graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth / 2, 100); // (1)
                            _lander.Velocity = new Vector2(); // (1)
                            _lander.Lives--; // (2)

                    // This is just a loop that gives a visual representation of refueling before the next level begins.
                    for (double i = _lander.Fuel; i < 500; i++)
                        _lander.Fuel += .05;                            
        // A very simple call to the Gravity and Lander classes that simulates gravity as long as the 
        // lander has not landed            
        else if (!landed)
           _lander.Accelerate(_gravity.GetAcceleration(), gameTime.ElapsedGameTime);               

        // Moves the lander according to gravity calculated by the lander class

        // Calculates the height achieved based off of starting height and ending height
        height = startPos - endPos;
        // This will rotate the lander when the keys are pressed down
        // They will also check to make sure if it is landed or not
        // If it's landed then it will not allow the lander to rotate.
        if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left) && landed == false)
            // (1) -- This will also change the angle of rotation for the thruster as to all for movement in 
            // That specific direction. 
            // Example: if you rotate to the left and turn on the thrusters you will starting moving
            // to the left

            rotation -= 0.1f;
            _lander.Rotation = rotation;
            _thruster.Rotation = rotation; // (1)
        if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right) && landed == false)
            // (1) -- This will also change the angle of rotation for the thruster as to all for movement in that specific direction.
            // (2) -- This will also change the angle of rotation for the lander as to all for movement in that specific direction.
            // Example: if you rotate to the right and turn on the thrusters you will starting moving
            // to the right

            rotation += 0.1f;
            _lander.Rotation = rotation; // (2)
            _thruster.Rotation = rotation;   // (1)

        // Calls the camera class to allow the screen to move with the player
        camera.Update(gameTime, this, _lander);



2 回答 2




return Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(-Position, 0.0f)) *
       Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(-Origin, 0.0f)) *
       Matrix.CreateRotationZ(Rotation) *
       Matrix.CreateScale(Zoom, Zoom, 1) *
       Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(Origin, 0.0f));


Position = lander.Position;
Origin = new Vector2(view.Width / 2, view.Height / 2);


于 2013-10-13T12:30:18.803 回答

为什么需要为 2D 相机使用平移?对于可以简单得多的事情来说,这是一种非常复杂的方式。我认为 2D 相机应该只是对应于相机视口左上角的矢量。然后只需从任何精灵位置减去相机矢量,它将与相机一起移动。


Camera = SpriteCenter - new Vector2(GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2);



于 2013-10-13T12:21:24.387 回答