我是 jQuery 新手,偶然发现了 RegEx 的概念,使用 .replace 进行漂亮的文本替换。
如何使用此 jQuery 将某些复选框中的部分文本替换为用户输入,而不是其他部分?我认为使用 if/else 参数来触发 RegEx 并替换是关键,但我不知道如何合并其余部分?
<div style="width: 500px;"><br> Static options:<br> <label id="_comLine100"><input id="comLine100" name="comLines" type="checkbox"> OPTION1 </label> <br> <label id="_comLine101"><input id="comLine101" name="comLines" type="checkbox"> OPTION2 </label> <br> Options which can be modified by user text:<br> <label id="_comLine102"><input id="comLine102" name="comLines" type="checkbox"> OPTION3 </label> <br> <label id="_comLine103"><input id="comLine103" name="comLines" type="checkbox"> OPTION4</label> <br> </div> <br> <input id="usrinput1" size="50" placeholder="Enter something to replace the word Text"> <br><br> <form> <input onclick="javascript:this.form.outPut2.focus();this.form.outPut2.select();"
value="全选" type="按钮">
var comLines = {
comLine100: 'Text for option1 \n',
comLine101: 'Text for option2 \n',
comLine102: 'Text for option3 \n',
comLine103: 'Text for option4 \n'
var mytextbox = document.getElementById('outPut2');
var chosenComm = null;
var Inputs = document.getElementsByName("comLines");
for (var i = 0; i < Inputs.length; i++) {
Inputs[i].onchange = function() {
chosenComm = this;
function printComment(){
if(chosenComm !== null){
var chxbox=chosenComm.id;
var uinput = document.getElementById('usrinput1');
if(uinput.value!=="" && (chxbox=="comLine102" || chxbox=="comLine103")){
mytextbox.value += comLines[chosenComm.id].replace(/Text/, $('#usrinput1').val()) + "\n";
// resets the radio box values after output is displayed
chosenComm.checked = false;
// resets these variables to the null state
chosenComm = null;
else {
mytextbox.value += comLines[chosenComm.id] + "\n";
// resets the radio box values after output is displayed
chosenComm.checked = false;
// resets these variables to the null state
chosenComm = null;
请参阅我的 JSfiddle:http: //jsfiddle.net/bENAY/2/
现在按我的意愿工作。感谢 Eric S 的解释和指导!