I have used XSLFO to generate PDF files, which is working perfectly.

There is some code within the XSLFO that I would like to put into a common file to be used by all the PDF's, but when I add an xsl:import... or xsl:inlcude... at the top of my file, Adobe throws an error saying the file is damaged and cannot be repaired.

Is there something specific I need to do to include another xsl file? I've tried having it in the same root directory but it's still not working.

I have tried adding a full path to the imported xsl files and that works, rather than the relative path, so is this a permissions issue?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


1 回答 1


如果您将 xsl:import 或 xsl:include 添加到 XSL-FO 文档,那么这是错误的 - 这些声明应该只出现在 XSLT 样式表文件中。

于 2013-03-12T13:07:46.153 回答