我不知道为什么,但是下面的 Python 3 代码并没有tie(cell)
import random
cell = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']
def owin(cell):
if cell[0] == cell[1] == cell[2] == 'O' or cell[3] == cell[4] == cell[5] == 'O' or cell[6] == cell[7] == cell[8] == 'O' or cell[0] == cell[3] == cell[6] == 'O' or cell[1] == cell[4] == cell[7] == 'O' or cell[2] == cell[5] == cell[8]== 'O':
return True
return False
def xwin(cell):
if cell[0] == cell[1] == cell[2] == 'X' or cell[3] == cell[4] == cell[5] == 'X' or cell[6] == cell[7] == cell[8] == 'X' or cell[0] == cell[3] == cell[6] == 'X' or cell[1] == cell[4] == cell[7] == 'X' or cell[2] == cell[5] == cell[8]== 'X':
return True
return False
def tie(cell):
if cell[0] in ('O', 'X') and cell[1] in ('O', 'X') and cell[2] in ('O', 'X') and cell[3] in ('O', 'X') and cell[4] in ('O', 'X') and cell[5] in ('O', 'X') and cell[6] in ('O', 'X') and cell[7] in ('O', 'X') and cell[8] in ('O', 'X'):
return True
return False
board = '\n\t ' + cell[0] + ' | ' + cell[1] + ' | ' + cell[2] + '\n\t-----------\n\t ' + cell[3] + ' | ' + cell[4] + ' | ' + cell[5] + '\n\t-----------\n\t ' + cell[6] + ' | ' + cell[7] + ' | ' + cell[8]
print('\tTIC TAC TOE\n\t\tBy Lewis Cornwall')
instructions = input('Would you like to read the instructions? (y/n)')
if instructions == 'y':
print('\nEach player takes turns to place a peice on the following grid:\n\n\t 1 | 2 | 3\n\t-----------\n\t 4 | 5 | 6\n\t-----------\n\t 7 | 8 | 9\n\nBy inputing a vaule when prompted. The first to 3 peices in a row wins.')
player1 = input('Enter player 1\'s name: ')
player2 = input('Enter player 2\'s name: ')
print(player1 + ', you are O and ' + player2 + ', you are X.')
nextPlayer = player1
while not owin(cell) and not xwin(cell) and not tie(cell):
print('This is the board:\n' + board)
if nextPlayer == player1:
move = input('\n' + player1 + ', select a number (1 - 9) to place your peice: ')
cell[int(move) - 1] = 'O'
board = '\n\t ' + cell[0] + ' | ' + cell[1] + ' | ' + cell[2] + '\n\t-----------\n\t ' + cell[3] + ' | ' + cell[4] + ' | ' + cell[5] + '\n\t-----------\n\t ' + cell[6] + ' | ' + cell[7] + ' | ' + cell[8]
nextPlayer = player2
move = input('\n' + player2 + ', select a number (1 - 9) to place your peice: ')
cell[int(move) - 1] = 'X'
board = '\n\t ' + cell[0] + ' | ' + cell[1] + ' | ' + cell[2] + '\n\t-----------\n\t ' + cell[3] + ' | ' + cell[4] + ' | ' + cell[5] + '\n\t-----------\n\t ' + cell[6] + ' | ' + cell[7] + ' | ' + cell[8]
nextPlayer = player1
if owin(cell):
print('Well done, ' + player1 + ', you won!')
elif xwin(cell):
print('Well done, ' + player2 + ', you won!')
print('Unfortunately, niether of you were able to win today.')
input('Press <enter> to quit.')