// $t is the element being added/dropped.
// nd refers to New Dimensions, IE, the new dimensions for $t
// existingDivs gets any DIV's that have already been added to the dom
var $t = $(this), nd = {t:$t.position().top, h:$t.height(), l: 0, w: 95},
existingDivs = $('#container .subContainer .draggable'), intersectArr = [],
nonIntersectArr = [], finalArr = [];
// If there are no DIV's in the DOM you dont need to check if they intersect.
if (existingDivs.length > 0) {
// Find the DIV's that Intersect with the one being added
intersectArr = $.grep(existingDivs, function(val,num){
// xd is Existing Dimensions, for the current item being checked
// verse the one being added.
var $t2 = $(val), xd = {h:$t2.height(), w:parseFloat($t2.css('width')),
l:parseFloat($t2.css('left')), t:$t2.position().top};
// If they intersect add it to this array
return ((xd.t <= nd.t && xd.t+xd.h > nd.t) ||
(nd.t <= xd.t && nd.t+nd.h > xd.t));
// Find the DIV's that DO NOT Intersect with the one being added
nonIntersectArr = $.grep(existingDivs, function(val,num){
// xd is Existing Dimensions, for the current item being checked
// verse the one being added.
var $t2 = $(val), xd = {h:$t2.height(), w:parseFloat($t2.css('width')),
l:parseFloat($t2.css('left')), t:$t2.position().top};
// If they DO NOT intersect add it to this array
return ((xd.t > nd.t && xd.t > nd.t+nd.h) ||
(nd.t > xd.t && nd.t > xd.t+xd.h));
// For every element that does not intersect, check it verse the ones that do
// nid is Non Intersecting Dimensions
var $t2 = $(this), c = 0, nid = {h:$t2.height(),
l:parseFloat($t2.css('left')), t:$t2.position().top};
// id is Intersecting Dimensions
var $t3 = $(this), id = {h:$t3.height(), w:parseFloat($t3.css('width')),
l:parseFloat($t3.css('left')), t:$t3.position().top};
// if the non intersecting hits one that is intersecting, then there is no space
// beneath/near it, so we add it to the final intersecting array then increment c
if((id.t <= nid.t && id.t+id.h > nid.t) ||
(nid.t <= id.t && nid.t+nid.h > id.t)){ finalArr.push(this); c++; }
else { finalArr.push(this); }
// if c has been incremented, we cant use this nonIntersect, so add it to the final
if(c > 0) { finalArr.push(this); }
// make sure all items in the final Array are unique
finalArr = $.unique(finalArr);
// iterate over the final array, processing the dimensions of each element in the
// array layering them so you can see each one
// xd is Existing Dimensions, for the current item being checked
// verse the one being added.
var $t2 = $(this), xd = {h:$t2.height(), w:parseFloat($t2.css('width')),
l:parseFloat($t2.css('left')), t:$t2.position().top};
if(((xd.t <= nd.t && xd.t+xd.h > nd.t) ||
(nd.t <= xd.t && nd.t+nd.h > xd.t))) {
if(nd.l == xd.l){
nd.w = ((95/(finalArr.length+1))*1.5);
xd.l = ((nd.w)*(num));
nd.l = ((nd.w*ci)*0.58);
// Add the New Element to the container and position accordingly.
nd.l = ((nd.l/finalArr.length)*(finalArr.length+1))+'%';
nd.w = nd.w+'%';
$('#container .subContainer').append('<div style="top:'+nd.t+'px;left:'+nd.l+
';width:'+nd.w+';height:'+nd.h+'px;" class="dragId_'+$t.attr('id')+
' draggable"><div class="title">'+$t.attr('title')+'</div></div>');