
  1. 在行

    Object o = myC.getConstructor(short.class).newInstance(myC.cast(pPrim));

    有没有办法避免硬编码“ short.class”,而是从 获得文字 pPrim


  2. 我不应该使用 " T o = ...(例如,用于字节或短)而不是Object o = ...

    我认为我的方法与Class Literals 结尾处的方法几乎相同,即Runtime-Type Tokens 。

  3. 是我想做的一个案例的反思吗?


我正在学习 Finegan 和 Liguori 编写的 OCA Java SE 7:程序员 1 学习指南一书,为 1Z0-803 做准备。所以我经常练习代码。在练习时,我写了一个类,希望看到从 char 转换时原语内部发生了什么。我在下面列出了代码......如果你看一下,请关注方法 byteToBinaryString、shortToBinaryString 和 originalToBinaryString ......这就是我的问题出现的地方。


  1. 写了 byteToBinaryString
  2. 将 byteToBinaryString 克隆为 shortToBinaryString
  3. 想,“我应该能够避免这种方法重复,也许使用泛型”
  4. 将 shortToBinaryString 克隆为 originalToBinaryString 并尝试转换为泛型
  5. 开始认为这也是一种反思
  6. 被类文字硬编码困住了


    import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.Set;

public class StackoverflowQuestion {

  // I wrote this 1st
  public static String byteToBinaryString(byte pByte) {
    int primLength = 8;
    int count = 0;
    String s = "";
    while ( count++ < primLength ) {
      byte sm = (byte) (pByte & 0x01);
      pByte >>= 1;
      s = sm + s;
      if ( count % 4 == 0 && count != primLength ) {
        s = " " + s;
    return s;

  // Then I cloned byteToBinaryString to this and had the thought, 
  // I shouldn' have to repeat this
  public static String shortToBinaryString(short pShort) {
    int primLength = 16;
    int count = 0;
    String s = "";
    while ( count++ < primLength ) {
      short sm = (short) (pShort & 0x0001);
      pShort >>= 1;
      s = sm + s;
      if ( count % 4 == 0 && count != primLength ) {
        s = " " + s;
    return s;

  // So I cloned shortToBinaryString, modifidied to this and ...
  public static <T extends Number> String primitiveToBinaryString(T pPrim) {
    int primLength = 16;
    int count = 0;
    String className = pPrim.getClass().getName();
    try {
      Class<?> myC = Class.forName(className);
      // ... got stuck here
      Object o = myC.getConstructor(short.class).newInstance(myC.cast(pPrim));
      System.out.println(pPrim + "<--pPrim.equals(o)-->" + pPrim.equals(o) + "<--" + o);
    } catch ( Exception e ) {
      System.out.println("Caught exception: " + e);
    String s = "";
    while ( count++ < primLength ) {
      //T sm = new Class<T>(pPrim.intValue() & 0x0001);
      //pPrim >>= 1;
      //s = sm + s;
      if ( count % 4 != 0 && count != primLength ) {
        s = "-" + s;
    return s;

  public static void main ( String[] args ) {

    // exercise byteToBinaryString
    for ( int i = 0; i < 256; i++ ) {
      char cByte = (char) i; 
      byte b1 = (byte) cByte;
      System.out.printf( "char(%c): charValue(%05d): bin(%s): dec(%+6d)\n", cByte, (int) cByte, byteToBinaryString(b1), b1 );

    // exercise shortToBinaryString
    // please ignore my use of TreeMap, just figuring out how it works
    TreeMap<Integer, String> charsTM = new TreeMap<Integer, String>();
    charsTM.put(00000, "00000");
    charsTM.put(00001, "00001");
    charsTM.put(32766, "32766");
    charsTM.put(32767, "32767");
    charsTM.put(32768, "32768");
    charsTM.put(32769, "32769");
    charsTM.put(65535, "65535");

    short s1  = 32767;
    char  ch1 = 32768;

    Set<Integer> charKeys = charsTM.keySet();
    // loop through the boundary values I selected to show what's going on in memory
    for ( Integer i : charKeys ) {
      ch1 = (char) i.intValue();
      s1 = (short) ch1;
      System.out.printf( "char(%c): charValue(%05d): bin(%s): dec(%+6d)\n", ch1, (int) ch1, shortToBinaryString(s1), s1 );

    // exercise primitiveToBinaryString
    primitiveToBinaryString( (byte)  127 );
    primitiveToBinaryString( (short) 32767 );
    primitiveToBinaryString( (int)   2147483647);
    primitiveToBinaryString(         2147483648L);
    primitiveToBinaryString(         2147483648F);
    primitiveToBinaryString(         2147483648D);

2 回答 2



 short s = 0;
 Object obj = s;

这里obj.getClass()==Short.classShort.TYPE==short.class。赋值obj=s是一个装箱转换(从shortShort),然后是一个参考扩大转换(从ShortObject)。如果您通过对方法的调用来替换赋值,它也可以工作,例如Object box(Object obj){return obj;}因为赋值转换和方法调用转换都允许进行装箱转换。


于 2013-03-12T11:55:46.407 回答



String className = pPrim.getClass().getName();
Class<?> myC = Class.forName(className);
//Can just do
Class<?> myC = pPrim.getClass();


public Constructor<?> getPrimitiveSingleArgConstructor(Class<?> myC) {

  for( Constructor<?> constructor : myC.getConstructors() ) {
    if( constructor.getParameterTypes().length == 1 ) {
      Class<?> paramType = constructor.getParameterTypes()[0];
      if (paramType.isPrimitive()) {
        return constructor;

最后,如果您尝试将数字转换为二进制字符串并且只使用整数(我假设您是),您始终可以将数字向上转换为 long 并将其转换为二进制字符串。

long integralValue = pPrim.longValue();
于 2013-03-12T03:56:14.303 回答