愚蠢的问题,但我不太擅长从 shell 配置。我想在启用 -DGAPING_SECURITY_HOLE 选项的情况下重新编译我的 netcat 版本。我已经在我的电脑上下载了源代码,我可以通过运行正常安装它:
$ ./configure
$ make
但是如何在 Unix 系统上启用此选项?谢谢。(也是一个班级项目。实际上并不是试图破解......哈哈)
./configure --enable-DGAPING_SECURITY_HOLE
cd src
./netcat --help
make Linux
-=* 编译 Netcat *=-
[ Enable -DGAPING_SECURITY_HOLE ] While this option makes netcat very powerfull, it is also a huge risk in the wrong hands.. Damn hackers. [ Enable -DTELNET ] Without this option netcat will be unable to connect to a telnet server. Telnet servers & there clients auto negotiate there options before the login prompt is displayed. Enabling this option allows netcat to support this functionality. # DFLAGS = -DTEST -DDEBUG DFLAGS = -DGAPING_SECURITY_HOLE -DTELNET CFLAGS = -O
因此,编辑 makefile 并调整 DFLAGS 的设置。这也意味着这可能是默认值。