问题是,当您键入类似 35:C 的内容时,即使 myscale 是 C 我的代码,程序也会使用 if myscale == "F" 而不是 elif myscale == "C":
mytemp = 0.0
while mytemp != "quit":
info = raw_input("Please enter a temperature and a scale. For example - 75:F " \
"for 75 degrees farenheit or 63:C for 63 degrees celcius "\
"celcious. ").split(":")
mytemp = info[0]
myscale = str(info[1])
if mytemp == "quit":
"You have entered quit: "
mytemp = float(mytemp)
scale = myscale
if myscale == "f" or "F":
newtemp = round((5.0/9.0*(mytemp-32)),3)
print "\n",mytemp,"degrees in farenheit is equal to",newtemp,"degrees in
celcius. \n"
elif: myscale == "c" or "C":
newtemp = 9.0/5.0*mytemp+32
print "\n",mytemp,"degrees in celcius is equal to",newtemp,"degrees in
farenheit. \n"
print "There seems to have been an error; remember to place a colon (:)
between "\
"The degrees and the letter representing the scale enter code here. "
raw_input("Press enter to exit")