我在 Java(图论)中编写了一个递归函数来获取 4x4 表中的所有路径,从随机起点开始。可能的方向是水平、垂直和对角线,但我要求不能两次访问同一位置。
到目前为止,该脚本运行良好,我得到了很多组合。问题是,在函数的 for 循环中,当有不止一种可能的方法时,我会在第二个和后续循环中得到错误的结果,因为 boolean[] tempvisited 没有恢复到他的旧值。
// here I define a constant input of values:
String letters = "1548987425461854"
// This matrix shows all possible directions from every startpoint in the matrix:
// from the second value, you may get to the following locations: 1,3,5,6 and 7
private int[][] matrix = {
// Here begins the recursive function
public List<Combination> depthFirst(int vertex, boolean[] visited, Combination zeichen, List<Combination> combis){
// A temporary list of booleans to mark every value position visited or not
boolean[] tempvisited = new boolean[16];
// combis is the whole list of ways, zeichen is just the actual combination
zeichen.name = zeichen.name + this.letters.charAt(vertex);
//marks actual value as visited
visited[vertex] = true;
for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++){
tempvisited[i] = visited[i];
}//end for
// going to next possible locations
for (int i = 0; i < this.matrix[vertex].length; i++) {
if (!visited[this.matrix[vertex][i]]) {
combis = depthFirst(this.matrix[vertex][i], tempvisited, zeichen, combis);
}//end if
}//end for
return combis;