我们有 Adobe PDF writer,希望能够使用它来代替 ghostscript。SaveAs() 函数是否锁定在 ghostscript 中,如果是,我如何使用 adobe pdf writer 来解决这个问题?
2 回答
I think this could be the solution:
The key change is that you need to create your own printer not using the GhostScript files than the files shipped with Adobe.
I think you should create your Adobe PDF Printer in this way:
So you should add a local printer with using this file:
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Acrobat\Xtras\AdobePDF". Click the "AdobePDF.inf"
After this the code should something similar to this:
int li_ret
dw_1.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.Method = Distill!
dw_1.Object.DataWindow.Printer = "YourAdobePDFPrinterName"
li_ret = dw_1.SaveAs("custom.PDF", PDF!, true)
Of course there could be many other problems with printing. Feel free to ask!
Br.: Gábor
SaveAs() 函数与使用 Ghostscript 相关,要使用 Adobe Acrobat 进行打印,您将其视为普通打印机。希望 PB 9 具有这些功能,因为这是取自 PB 11.5。
RegistrySet("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Distiller\9.0\AdobePDFOutputFolder", "", ReguLong!, 2)
RegistrySet("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Distiller\9.0\AdobePDFOutputFolder", "2", RegString!, "C:\_APPS")
//Gets the default printer
ls_default = PrintGetPrinter()
//Parses string
ll_pos = Pos(ls_default, "~t")
is_default_printer = Left(ls_default, ll_pos - 1)
//Gets the Printers on the computer
ls_printers = PrintGetPrinters( )
//Finds the Distiller printer
ll_pos = PosA(ls_printers, "Acrobat Distiller")
//Checks for newer version of Distiller
if (ll_pos = 0) then
ll_pos = PosA(ls_printers, "Adobe PDF")
end if
//Gets the location of the Distiller printer
ls_printer = MidA(ls_printers, ll_pos, PosA(ls_printers, ":", ll_pos) - ll_pos + 1)
//Sets our next print ll_job to print to Distiller
//Allocates memory for our DS
DS = create DataStore
//Opens Print Job
ll_job = PrintOpen("MyPDF", false)
//Checks for error
if (ll_job > 0) then
//First Datastore to add to the PDF
DS.DataObject = "d_wlcp_view"
DS.Retrieve(idt_review_date, ii_site_id)
PrintDataWindow(ll_job, DS)
//You can add more pages to the PDF by printing more DW's or DS's
DS.DataObject = "d_training_view"
DS.Retrieve(idt_review_date, ii_site_id)
PrintDataWindow(ll_job, DS)
//Closes the print job
//Sets the default printer back
//Sometimes the PB function doesn't set the printer back, so you can use
//this VB script to make sure it is set back to the default
//Run('cscript C:\_APPS\HWLCPRR\prnmngr.vbs -t -p "' + is_default_printer + '"')
//Deallocates memory for DS
if (isValid(DS)) then destroy DS