我的一些用户(实际上只有 2 个)在他们想要登录 stackmob 时遇到了我在主题中描述的错误。为什么我们会得到这个错误?
public void createUser(final User stackmobUser) {
stackmobUser.save(new StackMobCallback() {
public void success(String arg0) {
public void failure(StackMobException arg0) {
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "user has not been created because of: " + arg0.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
com.stackmob.sdk.exception.StackMobHTTPResponseException: call failed with HTTP response code 400, headers Date=Mon, 11 Mar 2013 15:27:51 GMT, Content-Type=application/vnd.stackmob+json; version=0, Connection=close, Content-Length=122, body {"error":"Updating passwords via this API is disabled for security reasons. Use the resetPassword API instead."}