i'm working in an android app for comunication with a wireless sensors network, i save the data that i receive from the network in a record file, and now, i want to send that file (normally .txt) to a computer, kinda "server", by WiFi or 3G.
I already know use sockets communication if the "server" is connected to the same WiFi conexion, but the problem appears if i want maybe to send the file to a pc in other place, connected to other LAN. I've been reading about WEBSERVICES but i have some doubts about the communication with web sites, because i don't have one. Maybe, i should create a server online to have some URL where send the record files. (i don't know how to create ir neither :/)
to sum up, i want to send a file from a device (for example with ip 138.100.XX.XX) to another terminal, a pc (for example with ip 192.21.XX.XX)
¿any good tutorial about this? any advice?? what do you think about??
Thank you very much, also for reading :)