我在使用这个 linq 查询时遇到了一些麻烦:

我有一个列表 ( allStats),其中包含数据(请参阅allItems类),该列表包含来自不同日期的多个条目,我需要对其进行分解,因此它们按月份和周数分隔,如下所示:

    MonthNumber: 1,
    List<Weeks> Weeks:
        WeekNumber: 1,
        List<Days> Days:
            PunchedInLate: true,
            PunchedOutLate: false,
            PunchInDate: 2013-1-1 08:20:10,
            PunchOutDate: 2013-1-1 15:00:00
            PunchedInLate: true,
            PunchedOutLate: false,
            PunchInDate: 2013-1-2 08:20:10,
            PunchOutDate: 2013-1-2 15:00:00
            PunchedInLate: true,
            PunchedOutLate: false,
            PunchInDate: 2013-1-5 08:20:10,
            PunchOutDate: 2013-1-5 15:00:00
    MonthNumber: 1,
    List<Weeks> Weeks:
        WeekNumber: 2,
        List<Days> Days:
            PunchedInLate: true,
            PunchedOutLate: false,
            PunchInDate: 2013-1-10 08:20:10,
            PunchOutDate: 2013-1-10 15:00:00
            PunchedInLate: true,
            PunchedOutLate: false,
            PunchInDate: 2013-1-12 08:20:10,
            PunchOutDate: 2013-1-12 15:00:00

PasteBin - 在这里你可以下载一个示例程序,这样你就可以在你的机器上运行它

它本质上是我试图创建的这个问题的答案的插件: SO - 将列表的部分拆分为 2 个列表并加入这 2 个

编辑:对不起,我忘了提到我在最后尝试了 .ToList() 方法,而不是在开始时进行强制转换,这会产生此错误:

Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<TestClass.Weeks>>' to 'System.Collections.Generic.List<TestClass.Weeks>'

public class allItems
    public DateTime PunchInDate { get; set; }
    public DateTime PunchOutDate { get; set; }
    public DayOfWeek DayOfWeek { get; set; }
    public int WeekNumber { get; set; }
    public int MonthNumber { get; set; }
    public bool PunchedInLate { get; set; }
    public bool PunchedOutLate { get; set; }
public class Months
    public int MonthNumber { get; set; }
    public List<Weeks> Weeks { get; set; }
public class Weeks
    public int WeekNumber { get; set; }
    public List<Days> Days { get; set; }
public class Days
    public bool PunchedInLate { get; set; }
    public bool PunchedOutLate { get; set; }
    public DateTime PunchInDate { get; set; }
    public DateTime PunchOutDate { get; set; }
    public DayOfWeek DayOfWeek { get; set; } 


List<allItems> allStats = getAllStats(userId);
List<Months> stats = new List<Months>();
var asItems =
    from item in allStats
    group item by new { month = item.MonthNumber } into Month
    select new Months()
        MonthNumber = Month.Key.month,
        Weeks = Month.Select(week =>
            from weeks in allStats
            group weeks by new { week = weeks.WeekNumber } into Week
            select new Weeks()
                //WeekNumber = week.WeekNumber,
                WeekNumber = Week.Key.week, // I just noticed that I guess that I 
                                            // need this here, so I can group the 
                Days = Month.Select(days => // days correctly, right?
                    new Days()
                        PunchedInLate = days.PunchedInLate,
                        PunchedOutLate = days.PunchedOutLate,
                        DayOfWeek = days.DayOfWeek,
                        PunchInDate = days.PunchInDate,
                        PunchOutDate = days.PunchOutDate
List<Months> stat = asItems.ToList();

3 回答 3


问题是您Month.Select(...) 没有返回List<Weeks>. 您可以删除演员表并使用:

Week = Month.Select(week => 
    ... code as before ...

编辑:好的,我知道还有什么问题。对于 each week,您正在使用一个生成多个 Weeks对象的查询。所以这部分:

from weeks in allStats
select new Weeks() { ... }

是类型IEnumerable<Weeks>()- 并且它被用作投影的主体,Month.Select(week => ...)所以你有一个序列序列。目前尚不清楚您希望如何将其转换为单个列表。例如,您可以使用:

Week = Month.Select(week => 
    ... code as before ...


Week = Month.Select(week => 
    ... code as before ...
).SelectMany(x => x).ToList()


于 2013-03-11T13:16:39.540 回答


List<allItems> allStats = getAllStats(userId);
List<Months> stats = new List<Months>();
var asItems =
    from item in allStats
    group item by new { month = item.MonthNumber } into Month
    select new Months()
        MonthNumber = Month.Key.month,
        Weeks = Month.Select(week => //Don't cast here, put a ToList() at the end.
            from weeks in allStats
            group weeks by new { week = weeks.WeekNumber } into Week
            select new Weeks()
                WeekNumber = week.WeekNumber,
                Days = Month.Select(days =>
                    new Days()
                        PunchedInLate = days.PunchedInLate,
                        PunchedOutLate = days.PunchedOutLate,
                        DayOfWeek = days.DayOfWeek,
                        PunchInDate = days.PunchInDate,
                        PunchOutDate = days.PunchOutDate
            }).ToList(); //*** ToList() added here ***
List<Months> stat = asItems.ToList();
于 2013-03-11T13:18:01.197 回答


List<allItems> allStats = getAllStats(userId);
List<Months> stats = new List<Months>();
var asItems =
    from item in allStats
    group item by new { month = item.MonthNumber } into Month
    select new Months()
        MonthNumber = Month.Key.month,
        Weeks = Month.Select(week =>
            from weeks in allStats
            group weeks by new { week = weeks.WeekNumber } into Week
            select new Weeks()
                WeekNumber = week.WeekNumber,
                Days = Month.Select(days =>
                    new Days()
                        PunchedInLate = days.PunchedInLate,
                        PunchedOutLate = days.PunchedOutLate,
                        DayOfWeek = days.DayOfWeek,
                        PunchInDate = days.PunchInDate,
                        PunchOutDate = days.PunchOutDate
            }).ToList()     // <-- here
List<Months> stat = asItems.ToList();


于 2013-03-11T13:17:35.637 回答