我们可以使用 watir 自动化银光屏幕吗?在 watir 的主页上,写到 watir 可以自动化任何 Web 应用程序,无论它建立在什么平台上。但我读到它不支持小程序或微软silverlight。请帮助我解决这个问题。如果我们可以自动化silverlight屏幕,那么请告诉我们如何?


2 回答 2


No, watir can not automate anything inside browser plugin.

于 2013-03-11T11:26:04.337 回答

Content inside plugins such as Flash and Silverlight is not really exposed inside the DOM and so is difficult to test with Watir. However there are other tools you can use in combination with Watir such as Sikuli (use Jruby in that case to run watir, cucumber etc and use them in combination with Sikuli which is java based)

于 2013-03-13T18:29:16.017 回答