I have a PHP-coded website working on a codeigniter framework. I want to create the iOS app version of this and understand they are completely different. But I want to learn while I try to make the app happen.

I have spring break next week and want to try and get really far. I need to connect my site to a MySQL database and run a bunch of different algorithms. I am assuming I will need to re-write all of the algorithms into a new language (Objective-C I believe) I just want to know the best way to get started building the app. I want to make sure I'm watching tutorials that will be beneficial to my end goals, rather just learn the basic core.

I have things like xcode set up, just need to know where I should go. Thank you!


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Yes if you really want to make a native app than you have to rewrite all in Objective-C. You also need an API on your server to connect to MySql from external device.

This API is usally REST or SOAP based. If you need to deal with user login than OAuth is the way to go.

But there are alternatives to native apps. One interesting thing is a hybrid app. This is a native browser element and inside that browser your normal website with a mobile optimized layout is running. With a hybrid app you can get into app store, too. Look at http://phonegap.com/.

Another solution is to only make a mobile optimized or responsive layout for your site. If you don't need to be in app store or don't need native functions like GPS, accelerometer etc. than this is a good option.

于 2013-03-11T01:56:18.140 回答