Upon request @ gabn88, as you may know by now, with DRF 3.0 and above, there is no easy solution.
Even IF you do manage to figure out a solution, it won't be pretty and will most likely fail on subsequent versions of DRF as it will override a bunch of DRF source which will have changed by then.
I forget the exact implementation I used, but the idea is to create 2 fields on the serializer, one your normal serializer field (lets say PrimaryKeyRelatedField etc...), and another field a serializer method field, which the results will be swapped under certain cases (such as based on the request, the request user, or whatever). This would be done on the serializers constructor (ie: init)
Your serializer method field will return a custom query that you want.
You will pop and/or swap these fields results, so that the results of your serializer method field will be assigned to the normal/default serializer field (PrimaryKeyRelatedField etc...) accordingly. That way you always deal with that one key (your default field) while the other key remains transparent within your application.
Along with this info, all you really need is to modify this: http://www.django-rest-framework.org/api-guide/serializers/#dynamically-modifying-fields