1 回答 1


You've got this:

if which rvm-prompt &> /dev/null; then
  if [ $(rvm-prompt i v g s) != "system" ]; then
    rvm_ruby='%{$PR_RED%}‹$(rvm-prompt i v g s)›%{$PR_NO_COLOR%}'
  # We don't have `rvm-prompt`, try using `rbenv` instead.

Let's have a look at what this is actually doing. When you open a new terminal, zsh loads a bunch of files, including ~/.zshrc. In your ~/.zshrc, you're sourceing the theme. Thus, as zsh loads, it runs through the edit you've made.

The first thing it'll check is whether or not it can find rvm-prompt using the zsh [builtin] which. It does this by checking the return code of which (if 0, continue). (Not finding rvm-prompt is a different issue, and not really related to this answer).

If we do find rvm-prompt, using your edit we then examine whether or not the output of rvm-prompt i v g s is system. It's not, so we set $rvm_ruby to contain a call to rvm-prompt.

Then, zsh continues loading the theme, finally finishing and setting $PROMPT to a bunch of stuff, including a call to rvm-prompt. It's very useful to remember that zsh does not re-examine the theme logic! (That's why we need to source ~/path/to/theme after editing it)!

So what's the problem? If rvm-prompt does not say system on shell startup, we use output from rvm-prompt for the remainder of the session in our prompt. (If rvm-prompt was system, we wouldn't display any rvm indicator in our prompt... because rvm_ruby is left blank!).

Now that we understand what's happening, we can work on fixing it. There are two approaches I can think of.

1. Strip the word system out of the prompt:

if which rvm-prompt &> /dev/null; then
  rvm_ruby='%{$PR_RED%}‹$(rvm-prompt i v g s | sed -e "s/system//")›%{$PR_NO_COLOR%}'
  # We don't have `rvm-prompt`, try using `rbenv` instead.

This works, but will display a (red) <> in your prompt when rvm-prompt is system:

╭─@charmander.local ~ ‹ruby-1.9.3›
╰─ rvm default
╭─@charmander.local ~ ‹ruby-1.9.3›
╰─ rvm use system
Now using system ruby.
╭─@charmander.local ~ ‹›

You might find this useful. I think it would annoy me.

2. Use a smarter $PROMPT: write a function.

In your theme:

function current_rvm() {
  if which rvm-prompt &> /dev/null; then
    if [ $(rvm-prompt i v g s) != "system" ]; then
      # The double quotes make it work, single quotes do not work.
      echo "%{$PR_RED%}‹$(rvm-prompt i v g s)›%{$PR_NO_COLOR%}"
      # `rvm-prompt` is `system`
      echo ''
    # We don't have `rvm-prompt`, try using `rbenv` instead.
local rvm_ruby='$(current_rvm)'

This should work happily for you:

╭─@charmander.local ~ ‹ruby-1.9.3›
╰─ rvm use system
Now using system ruby.
╭─@charmander.local ~
╰─ rvm use default
Using /Users/simont/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p362
╭─@charmander.local ~ ‹ruby-1.9.3›
于 2013-03-11T08:47:08.743 回答