并非所有字节序列都是有效的 UTF-8。应为以下情况准备 UTF-8 解码器:
1. the red invalid bytes in the above table 2. an unexpected continuation byte 3. a start byte not followed by enough continuation bytes 4. an Overlong Encoding as described above 5. A 4-byte sequence (starting with 0xF4) that decodes to a value greater than U+10FFFF
根据代码页布局,0xC0 和 0xC1 是无效的,并且绝不能出现在有效的 UTF-8 序列中。这是我对 CodePoints 0xC0 和 0xC1 的内容:
Byte 2 Byte 1 Num Char
11000011 10000000 192 À
11000011 10000001 193 Á