oracle 序列旨在返回自动递增的数字。我想知道我是否可以实现一个从我放入的值池中返回的自定义序列,所以我可以告诉序列预期返回什么。
无论如何要实现这个?或替代方案,如添加触发器、oracle 函数或其他任何东西?
甚至使用一个表来保存值,但如何做到最好是性能,比如 oralce 序列
I have this, but not sure is it the best one.
create table your_table(
gap_from int,
gap_to int
insert into your_table values(99999, 9998888);
insert into your_table values(2, 7);
insert into your_table values(200, 10000);
insert into your_table values(10001, 300000);
create table2 as select
1 + nvl(sum(gap_to - gap_from + 1) over (order by gap_from rows between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding), 0) as seq_from,
sum(gap_to - gap_from + 1) over (order by gap_from) as seq_to
from your_table;
create sequence your_new_seq;
create or replace function get_PK_inside_gap return number as
new_seq_val number;
PK_inside_gap number;
select your_new_seq.nextval into new_seq_val from dual;
execute immediate '
new_seq_val + gap_from - seq_from
(select :1 as new_seq_val from dual)
join (
) on new_seq_val between seq_from and seq_to'
into PK_inside_gap using new_seq_val;
return PK_inside_gap;