I was looking for some help with sharing classes between 2 seperate projects in VS2012.

I have added a new project called TaxiRouteModel and added a reference to it from my 2 other projects in the solution. Which seems to work just great. I no longer have to maintain 2 separate projects.

But the class library which is shared by both web projects will never be published to the website and the 2 web projects are published to 2 separate places.

Once the websites have been published will they still be able to reference the class library?


2 回答 2



编译网站时,DLL 会从库项目复制到bin网站项目的文件夹中,因此当网站发布时,它也将具有库项目中的 DLL。

于 2013-03-10T10:38:16.897 回答

是的。只要 DLL 在 bin 文件夹中可用

于 2013-03-10T10:38:40.203 回答