我们的设备(带摄像头的显微镜)为每张图像生成图像和附加信息。现在中间件供应商希望将这些设备连接到实验室自动化系统。他们必须获取数据,而我们必须提供数据。令我惊讶的是他们的界面建议 - 一种非常神秘的令牌分隔格式(ASTM E1394-97)。不幸的是,他们甚至无法在其协议中容纳图像,并且旨在获取文件路径。

我认为这不是最新的方法。在寻找替代品时,我看到了 CoachDB。所以,我的想法是,我们的设备将在 CoachDB 中导入包括图像在内的数据,并且他们可以获得数据。甚至,使用 mustache,我们可以生成他们想要的格式(ascii-text)并将 URL 放置为图像引用而不是路径。

我的问题是,是否有人已经将 CoachDB 应用于这样的用例?这似乎是对 CoachDB 的一点误用,因为主要目的是接口而不是数据存储。还有一点让我感到不安的是,CoachDB 的发明者去了另一个项目 Coachbase。这是否意味着未来对 CoachDB 的支持不足?



1 回答 1


It's ok use-case and actually we're using CouchDB in such way - as proxing middleware between medical laboratory analyzers and LIS. Some of them publish images or pdf data on shared folders and we'd just loading them into related document as attachments.

More over you'd like to know, CouchDB is able to serve external processes (aka os_daemons) and take care about their lifespan: restarting if someone had terminated and starting right after you update config options through HTTP interface. This helps to setup ASTM client and server processes since this protocol is different from HTTP (which is native for CouchDB) which communicates with devices and creates documents as regular CouchDB clients. In same way you may setup daemons to monitor shared folders for specific files. And all this is just CouchDB with few "low bounded" plugins.

于 2013-03-10T10:29:03.393 回答