I am a beginner in SQL and I don't know how to solve this question. How to combine the following SQL query and the stored procedure into a single SQL query. This is a PostgreSQL query and function. Any help is appreciated.

The following query calls a stored procedure/function for each value of the query:

 SELECT t.trj_id, T2.trj_id, Similar_trj_woffset(t.trj_id, T2.trj_id) 
 FROM   transitions T1, 
        transitions T2 
 WHERE  T1.w_s = T2.w_s 
 AND T1.w_e = T2.w_e 
 AND T1.trans_id <> T2.trans_id 

The stored procedure/function is:

create or replace function similar_trj_woffset(
  IN t1 as integer,
  IN t2 as integer,
  OUT score as integer,
  OUT offset as integer
) AS $$
off_set integer :=0;
score  integer := 0;
cou    integer;
time1  integer;
time2  integer;
dist   integer;
for off_set in 0..10 LOOP
       time1 := 0;
       time2 := 0 + off_set;
       cou := 0;
       while time2 < 100 Loop 
          select vec_length(P.x-P2.x,P.y-P2.y,P.z-P2.z) into dist
          from AtomPositions P, AtomPositions P2
          where P.trj_id  = t1
            and   P2.trj_id = t2
            and   P.t = time1
            and   P2.t = time2;
        if dist < cuto`enter code here`ff then
            cou : = cou + 1;
        time1 := time1 + 1;
        time2 := time2 + 1;
    end loop
    if cou > score then
       score := cou ;
       offset := off_set;
    end if;
    off_set := off_set + 1;
end loop;

end $$ language plpgsql;

Can some one tell me how to merge the query and the stored procedure into one single SQL query.


2 回答 2



SELECT t.trj_id, t2.trj_id, (similar_trj_woffset(t.trj_id, t2.trj_id)).*
FROM   transitions t1
JOIN   transitions t2 USING (w_s, w_e)
WHERE  t1.trans_id <> t2.trans_id 

我还重写了查询以使用正确的 ANSI JOIN 语法和简化的等值连接条件 ( USING),并删除了虚假的大写字母。

于 2013-03-11T07:38:23.047 回答




于 2013-03-10T01:53:08.477 回答