I'm trying to learn how to use WSDL's to call web services from a Grails project. I've been provided with the WSDL and some XML results for reference.
I've been able to generate Java code from the WSDL, and everything seems to be working correctly.
Here's the WSDL: http://www.restfulwebservices.net/rest/USAZipCodeService.svc?wsdl
And here is the XML: http://api.geonames.org/postalCodeSearch?placename=MN&username=demo
I am receiving this exception in my project:
ERROR client.WebServiceClientFactoryImpl$WSClientInvocationHandler - No namespace on "geonames" element. javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPFaultException: No namespace on "geonames" element.
It seems like it is saying that the XML returned isn't valid for SOAP? Am I missing/misunderstanding some pieces the puzzle here? It is all pretty new to me.
Edit: I am trying to use a Grails plugin called cxf client: https://github.com/ctoestreich/cxf-client
It is configured with the following in Config.groovy (something could be wrong/missing here?):
wsdl = "http://www.restfulwebservices.net/wcf/USAZipCodeService.svc?wsdl"
namespace = "cxf.client.postalcode"
clientInterface = "cxf.client.postalcode.IPostalCodeService"
serviceEndpointAddress = "http://api.geonames.org/postalCodeSearch"