i'm confused about the $symbol for unix. according to the definition, it states that it is the value stored by the variable following it. i'm not following the definition - could you please give me an example of how it is being used?
You define a variable like this:
export name=luc
and use like this:
echo $greeting $name
If you use export
that means the variable will be visible to subshells.
EDIT: If you want to assign a string containing spaces, you have to quote it either using double quotes (") or single quotes ('). Variables inside double quotes will be expanded whereas in single quotes they won't:
axel@loro:~$ name=luc
axel@loro:~$ echo "hello $name"
hello luc
axel@loro:~$ echo 'hello $name'
hello $name
在外壳脚本的情况下。为变量赋值时,不需要使用 $ simbol。仅当您想访问该变量的值时。例子:
echo "$VARIABLE";
echo $othervariable;
另一件事:如果您使用 assignment ,则 = simbol 前后不要留空格。
这是一个很好的 bash 教程: http: //linuxconfig.org/Bash_scripting_Tutorial
finger | grep "`whoami` " | tail -n 1 | awk '{FS="\t";print $2,$3;}'
login Name Tty Idle Login Time Office Office Phone
xuser Forname Nickname tty7 3:18 Mar 9 07:23 (:0)
grep:过滤包含给定字符串的行(在本例中,如果我们的登录名是 xuser,我们需要过滤 xuser) http://www.gnu.org/software/grep/manual/grep.html
whoami:打印我的登录名 http://linux.about.com/library/cmd/blcmdl1_whoami.htm
tail -n 1 :仅显示最后一行结果 http://unixhelp.ed.ac.uk/CGI/man-cgi?tail
awk 脚本:打印结果的第二列和第三列:Forname, Nickname http://www.staff.science.uu.nl/~oostr102/docs/nawk/nawk_toc.html