给定一个无向的加权树(N 个节点,N-1 个双向边,不一定是二叉树)。输入将是一些节点之间的简单路径(从开始节点到最低共同祖先到结束节点),例如 1->4、2->10。找到所有给定路径的公共(属于)最短边。


1 回答 1


Basically, have a count at each node for number of paths crossing it. After setting up these counts, process the tree and find the shortest common edge. A common edge would be one where the counts of each end-point would be equal to the number of paths.

i = 0

// set up counts
for each path p
  for each node n on path
    if n.count != i // early path stop condition, past common ancestor
      break // go to next path

current = root
shortestEdge = null

// find shortest edge
while true
  for each child c of current
    if c.count == pathCount
      shortestEdge = shortest(shortestEdge, edge(current, c))
      current = c
      break // out of for-loop
      stop // stop while-loop
于 2013-03-09T09:00:15.997 回答