

funkdified@vizio ~/rails_projects/goodsounds.org $ rvm current
funkdified@vizio ~/rails_projects/goodsounds.org $ gem install bundler
Fetching: bundler-1.3.2.gem (100%)
ERROR:  While executing gem ... (Errno::EACCES)
    Permission denied - /var/lib/gems
funkdified@vizio ~/rails_projects/goodsounds.org $ rvm gemset list

gemsets for ruby-1.9.3-p392 (found in /home/funkdified/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p392)
=> goodsounds

funkdified@vizio ~/rails_projects/goodsounds.org $ rvm @goodsounds do gem list

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

actionmailer (3.2.13.rc1)
actionpack (3.2.13.rc1)
activemodel (3.2.13.rc1)
activerecord (3.2.13.rc1)
activeresource (3.2.13.rc1)
activesupport (3.2.13.rc1)
acts-as-taggable-on (2.3.3)
annotate (2.4.1.beta1)
arel (3.0.2)
awesome_print (1.1.0)
bcrypt-ruby (3.0.1)
better_errors (0.7.0)
binding_of_caller (0.7.1)
blankslate (3.1.2)
bootstrap-sass (
bootstrap-will_paginate (0.0.9)
builder (3.0.4)
bundler (1.3.2)
cancan (1.6.8)
celluloid (0.12.4)
chronic (0.9.1)
climate_control (0.0.3)
cocaine (0.5.1)
coderay (1.0.9)
coffee-rails (3.2.2)
coffee-script (2.2.0)
coffee-script-source (1.5.0)
columnize (0.3.6)
connection_pool (1.0.0)
country_select (1.1.3)
daemons (1.1.9)
debug_inspector (0.0.2)
debugger (1.2.4)
debugger-linecache (1.1.2)
debugger-ruby_core_source (1.1.9)
decorators (1.0.3)
devise (2.2.3)
diff-lcs (1.2.1)
erubis (2.7.0)
eventmachine (1.0.1)
execjs (1.4.0)
facter (1.6.17)
factory_girl (4.2.0)
factory_girl_rails (4.2.1)
fastthread (1.0.7)
ffi (1.0.11)
font-awesome-sass-rails (
forem-redcarpet (1.0.0)
friendly_id (4.0.9)
gemoji (1.1.2)
geocoder (1.1.6)
gmaps4rails (1.5.6)
gon (4.0.2)
google_visualr (2.1.7)
googlecharts (1.6.8)
guard (1.6.2)
guard-rspec (2.5.0)
haml (4.0.0)
hash-deep-merge (0.1.1)
hike (1.2.1)
i18n (0.6.1)
journey (1.0.4)
jquery-rails (2.2.1)
jquery-ui-rails (3.0.1)
json (1.7.7)
kaminari (0.14.1)
lazy_high_charts (1.3.3)
libnotify (0.8.0)
libv8 ( x86_64-linux)
listen (0.7.3)
lumberjack (1.0.2)
mail (2.5.3)
meta_request (0.2.0)
method_source (0.8.1)
mime-types (1.21)
multi_json (1.6.1)
nested_form (0.3.1)
nifty-generators (0.4.6)
nokogiri (1.5.6)
orm_adapter (0.4.0)
pg (0.14.1, 0.13.2)
polyamorous (0.5.0)
polyglot (0.3.3)
pry (0.9.12)
pry-debugger (0.2.1)
pygments.rb (0.2.4)
quiet_assets (1.0.2)
rack (1.4.5)
rack-cache (1.2)
rack-contrib (1.1.0)
rack-pjax (0.7.0)
rack-ssl (1.3.3)
rack-test (0.6.2)
rails (3.2.13.rc1)
rails_admin (0.4.5)
railties (3.2.13.rc1)
rake (10.0.3)
rdoc (3.12.2)
redcarpet (2.0.1)
RedCloth (4.2.9)
redis (3.0.3)
redis-namespace (1.2.1)
ref (1.0.2)
remotipart (1.0.5)
rest-client (1.6.7)
rolify (3.2.0)
rspec (2.13.0)
rspec-core (2.13.0)
rspec-expectations (2.13.0)
rspec-mocks (2.13.0)
rspec-rails (2.13.0)
rubygems-bundler (1.1.1)
rubypython (0.5.3)
rvm (
safe_yaml (0.8.4)
sass (3.2.6)
sass-rails (3.2.6)
select2-rails (3.3.0)
sequel (3.20.0)
sidekiq (2.8.0)
simple_form (2.1.0)
sinatra (1.0)
slim (1.3.6)
slop (3.4.3)
sprockets (2.2.2)
squeel (1.0.17)
taps (0.3.24)
temple (0.5.5)
terminal-table (1.4.5)
therubyracer (0.11.4)
thin (1.5.0)
thor (0.17.0)
tilt (1.3.4)
timers (1.1.0)
treetop (1.4.12)
tzinfo (0.3.36)
uglifier (1.3.0)
v (0.1.1)
warden (1.2.1)
webrat (0.7.3)
whenever (0.8.2)
will_paginate (3.0.4)
workflow (0.8.0)
funkdified@vizio ~/rails_projects/goodsounds.org $ bundle
ERROR: Gem bundler is not installed, run `gem install bundler` first.

4 回答 4



funkdified@vizio ~/rails_projects/goodsounds.org $ gem install bundler
Fetching: bundler-1.3.2.gem (100%)
ERROR:  While executing gem ... (Errno::EACCES)
    Permission denied - /var/lib/gems
funkdified@vizio ~/rails_projects/goods

您是否通过系统的包管理器安装了任何 ruby​​/gem 或在 gem 安装期间使用了 sudo?

这个问题有类似的问题,即rvm and bundle install in Ubuntu 12.10: Errno::EACCES 和这个正确安装 rvm Installed Ruby 1.9.3 with RVM 但命令行不显示 ruby​​ -v

于 2013-03-09T03:55:48.903 回答

我必须在 gnome 终端中选择“作为登录 shell 运行命令”!


打开终端并转到编辑并选择配置文件首选项..它将显示弹出。然后选择 Title and Command 选项卡并取消选中 Run command as login shell

于 2013-03-09T04:40:33.610 回答



sudo gem install bundler
于 2013-03-09T03:52:04.730 回答

我相信这里的问题是您没有安装到 /var/lib/gems 的权限。您是否尝试以“root”身份执行安装:

sudo gem install bundler

如果您没有将 rvm 安装为用户安装,那么您将无法在没有 sudo 的情况下安装 gems。

于 2013-03-09T03:55:14.013 回答