当我在编写代码或纯文本时将 Sublime 与sublimecodeintel包一起使用时,它使用了 ~1.2GB 的内存和 0% 的 CPU。我观察了内存使用的行为,似乎每次我输入一个单词时,内存使用量都会跳跃~1MB。如果我设置"codeintel": false,
这是我对 sublimecodeintel 的设置(我使用默认设置)
SublimeCodeIntel default settings
Sets the mode in which SublimeCodeIntel runs:
true - Enabled (the default).
false - Disabled.
"codeintel": true,
// An array of language names which are disabled.
Sets the mode in which SublimeCodeIntel's live autocomplete runs:
true - Autocomplete popups as you type (the default).
false - Autocomplete popups only when you request it.
"codeintel_live": true,
// An array of language names to disable.
Maps syntax names to languages. This allows variations on a syntax
(for example "Python (Django)") to be used. The key is
the base filename of the .tmLanguage syntax files, and the value
is the syntax it maps to.
"Python Django": "Python"