我在 11g 数据库上使用 SQL Developer 3.1.07 当我使用 listagg 从字段中提取多个值时,我在 listagg 列的结果中的每个字符之间得到一个空格。该查询返回我希望看到的所有值,只是多余的空格让我抓狂。有什么想法吗?
这是我使用过的一个查询,但每次我在查询中使用 listagg 时都会发生这种情况:
select a.personnum Emp_ID
, a.personfullname Name
, a.companyhiredtm Hire_Date
, a.employmentstatus Status
, a.employmentstatusdt Status_Date
, h.Supervisor, h.Agency
from vp_employeev42 a
left outer join (select f.personid
, listagg (g.personcstmdatatxt, ',') within group
(order by g.customdatadefid) Supervisor
from vp_employeev42 f
left outer join personcstmdata g
on f.personid = g.personid
where f.personnum like 'T%'
and f.homelaborlevelnm3 = '1872'
and (g.customdatadefid = '1'
or g.personcstmdatatxt is null)
group by f.personid) h
on a.personid = h.personid
left outer join (select f.personid
, listagg (g.personcstmdatatxt, ',')
within group (order by g.customdatadefid) Agency
from vp_employeev42 f
left outer join personcstmdata g
on f.personid = g.personid
where f.personnum like 'T%'
and homelaborlevelnm3 = '1872'
and (g.customdatadefid = '3'
or g.personcstmdatatxt is null)
group by f.personid) h
on a.personid = h.personid
where personnum like 'T%'
and homelaborlevelnm3 = '1872'
order by personnum;
T98999,Lxxxxm, Lxxxn,20-SEP-12,Active,20-SEP-12,, S t a f f m a r k
T98989,Fxxxxn, Dxxxxa,10-DEC-12,Active,10-DEC-12,, S t a f f m a r k
T99989,Hxxxs, Cxxxxxa,02-OCT-12,Active,02-OCT-12,, S t a f f m a r k
T99999,Hxxxs, Dxxxn,30-JAN-12,Terminated,21-MAY-12, C x x x x x x x x x r T x x x x r, P R O L O G I S T I X