我有一个命令按钮,用于处理 ListBox (ListBox4) 中的选定项目。虽然我可以取消选择该命令的 Click() 过程中的所有项目,但如果用户在 ListBox 中单击,我想在再次选择之前取消选择 ListBox 中的所有项目。


Private Sub ListBox4_Click()
If Apply_Format_Occurred Then
For i = 0 To ListBox4.ListCount - 1
         ListBox4.Selected(i) = False
Next i
End Sub






2 回答 2


您可以使用 ListBox 的 GotFocus 事件,以便在 ListBox 从用户接收焦点时运行代码。

Dim Apply_Format_Occurred As Boolean

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    '<other processes>
    Apply_Format_Occurred = True
End Sub

Private Sub ListBox4_Change()
    If Apply_Format_Occurred Then
        For i = 0 To ListBox4.ListCount - 1
             ListBox4.Selected(i) = False
        Next i
        Apply_Format_Occurred = False
    End If
End Sub
于 2013-03-08T22:42:45.023 回答


可能有一个更简单的方法。但是,我是新手,找不到它。希望这可以帮助。将 selectedindex 设置为 -1 会取消选择所有内容。或者同样有效的是listboxName .ClearSelected()

    Private Sub lstPendingQuotes_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lstPendingQuotes.Click

    Static blnSelectable As Boolean = True 'use static boolean to retain value between calls
    Static objOldSelected As Object = lstPendingQuotes.SelectedIndex 'use old selected in case a different index is selected

    'if nothing is already selected (as in first form open) allow the selection but change boolean to false and set the OldSelected variable to the current selection
    If blnSelectable Then
        blnSelectable = False
        objOldSelected = lstPendingQuotes.SelectedIndex
    ElseIf lstPendingQuotes.SelectedIndex = objOldSelected Then 'if an item is selected and the same item is clicked un-select all and reset boolean to true for a new possible selection
        lstPendingQuotes.SelectedIndex = -1 'can substitute lstPendingQuotes.ClearSelected()
        blnSelectable = True
    Else 'If a different index is chosen allow the new selection and change boolean to false so if the same item is clicked it will un-select
        objOldSelected = lstPendingQuotes.SelectedIndex
        blnSelectable = False
    End If

End Sub
于 2015-10-23T17:42:54.230 回答