好的,所以我正在研究一种对二维数组进行排序的方法,其中一个维度有一个字符串,另一个维度有一个 int(为方便起见,存储为字符串)我到处寻找关于如何对数组进行排序的解决方案一种将 firstArray[1] 中的数据同时移动的方式(其索引是移动的子项:)作为 firstArray[0]
Arrays.sort(fps, new Comparator<String[]>() {
public int compare(final String[] entry1, final String[] entry2) {
final String time1 = entry1[0];
final String time2 = entry2[0];
return time1.compareTo(time2);
String[][] fps = new String[2][15];
Arrays.fill(fps[0], "empty");
Arrays.fill(fps[1], "0");
fps[0][0] = "Java";
fps[1][0] = "1";
fps[0][1] = "C++";
fps[1][1] = "14";
fps[0][2] = "C#";
fps[1][2] = "21";
fps[0][3] = "Python";
fps[1][3] = "9001";
现在是我调用上述排序命令的地方(请注意,这些值不会完全填充数组,有些 bin 没有新数据。)
Arrays.sort(fps, new Comparator<String[]>() {
public int compare(final String[] entry1, final String[] entry2) {
final String time1 = entry1[0];
final String time2 = entry2[0];
return time1.compareTo(time2);
现在我们对数组进行了排序,我想在二维数组中搜索一个值,所以我使用 Arrays.search 来查找查询所在的 bin。
int searchIndex = Arrays.binarySearch(fps[0], "Java");
0 ---- No FPS For you!
1 ---- Only one FPS
2 ---- Only two FPS
3 ---- Only three FPS
4 ---- Only four FPS
5 ---- Only five FPS
6 ---- Only six FPS
7 ---- Only seven FPS
8 ---- Only eight FPS
9 ---- Only nine FPS
1 ---- Blah!
1 ---- Blah!
0 ---- No FPS For you!
8 ---- Only eight FPS
5 ---- Only five FPS
4 ---- Only four FPS
9 ---- Only nine FPS
1 ---- Only one FPS
7 ---- Only seven FPS
6 ---- Only six FPS
3 ---- Only three FPS
2 ---- Only two FPS
import java.util.*;
public class Test
public static void main (String [] args)
String[][] fps = new String[2][15];
Arrays.fill(fps[0], "empty");//Fill up all the spaces so the sort and the search dont crap out
Arrays.fill(fps[1], "0");
//fps[ROW][COLOUMN] = Value + "";
//fps[ROW][COLOUMN] = Value Instances + "";
fps[0][0] = "No FPS For you!";
fps[1][0] = 0 + "";
fps[0][1] = "Only one FPS";
fps[1][1] = 1 + "";
fps[0][2] = "Only two FPS";
fps[1][2] = 2 + "";
fps[0][3] = "Only three FPS";
fps[1][3] = 3 + "";
fps[0][4] = "Only four FPS";
fps[1][4] = 4 + "";
fps[0][5] = "Only five FPS";
fps[1][5] = 5 + "";
fps[0][6] = "Only six FPS";
fps[1][6] = 6 + "";
fps[0][7] = "Only seven FPS";
fps[1][7] = 7 + "";
fps[0][8] = "Only eight FPS";
fps[1][8] = 8 + "";
fps[0][9] = "Only nine FPS";
fps[1][9] = 9 + "";
//Things to have inputed into the method:
//currentValue (from the line)
//currentVariable (so we know what the name of the array we're dealing with is named)
String currentValue = "Blah!"; //This is the value that will be searched for in the array, if found its child int is incremented by one, if not found it is added to the array.
//Do a binary sort then search in the fps[0] side of things, makesure that the [1] are carried with the [0] changes.
Arrays.sort(fps, new Comparator<String[]>() {
public int compare(final String[] entry1, final String[] entry2) {
final String time1 = entry1[0];
final String time2 = entry2[0];
return time1.compareTo(time2);
int searchIndex = Arrays.binarySearch(fps[0], currentValue); //Get the index of the current search value
System.out.println(searchIndex); // <-- Returns a neg number each time which shows that the sorting is not working correctly, and therefore the search is being thrown off... need to somehow fix.
if(searchIndex >= 0)// If the value is found
fps[0][searchIndex] = (Integer.parseInt(fps[0][searchIndex]) + 1) + ""; //Add one instance to the value
} //end if
else //Otherwise find the next open value spot and change it to the current search query (and assign its instances to 1
for(int i = 0; i < fps[1].length ; i++)
fps[1][i] = currentValue;
fps[0][i] = 1 + "";
i = fps[1].length; //force the for loop to exit
Arrays.sort(fps, new Comparator<String[]>() {
public int compare(final String[] entry1, final String[] entry2) {
final String time1 = entry1[0];
final String time2 = entry2[0];
return time1.compareTo(time2);
}); //end Arrays.sort
}//end if
}//end for
}//end else
//... Print array in rectangular form
for (int i =0; (!(fps[1][i].equals("empty")) ) ; i++)
System.out.println("\t" + fps[0][i] + " ---- " + fps[1][i] );
}//end for
}//end main
}//end class