这是我正在使用的 PHP,它工作得很好,直到它开始分别与夏令时之前和夏令时之后的开始日期和结束日期重叠(仅供参考,这是一个最近的问题,因为夏令时开始了这周末!):
//$lastDate and $firstDate are 2 unix timestamps with valid month, day, and year values.
//The times are irrelevant at this point, they are only meant to represent a day.
//I start by making sure these have the same time values.
$lastDate = mktime(23, 59, 59, date("m", $lastDate), date("j", $lastDate), date("Y", $lastDate));
$firstDate = mktime(23, 59, 59, date("m", $firstDate), date("j", $firstDate), date("Y", $firstDate));
//Then calculate the total number of days in between.
$totalDays = abs(floor(($firstDate - $lastDate)/(60*60*24)));
而且,我现在还在使用 PHP 5.2。
如何计算php中2个unix时间戳之间的间隔而不除以86400(60 * 60 * 24)
//$lastDate and $firstDate are 2 unix timestamps with valid month, day, and year values.
//The times are irrelevant at this point, they are only meant to represent a day.
//I start by making sure these have the same time values.
$lastDate = mktime(10, 00, 00, date("m", $lastDate), date("j", $lastDate), date("Y", $lastDate));
$firstDate = mktime(10, 00, 00, date("m", $firstDate), date("j", $firstDate), date("Y", $firstDate));
//Then calculate the total number of days in between.
$totalDays = floor($firstDate / 86400) - floor($lastDate/ 86400);
它现在似乎适用于 DST 的交叉。有人看到这有什么问题吗?