当它们超过一定高度时,我试图在我的网站上的几个多行段落中附加一个省略号。为此,我使用dotdotdot,即 jquery 插件。

奇怪的是,当我刷新页面时它不起作用。它仅在我调整窗口大小后才有效(然后它完美地工作)。我已经尝试将所有脚本放在我的 html 的末尾,所以 dotdotdot 会最后加载,但它仍然无法正常工作。有谁知道为什么会发生这种情况?


$(document).ready(function() {
        /* The HTML to add as ellipsis. */
        ellipsis : '...',

        /* How to cut off the text/html: 'word'/'letter'/'children' */
        wrap : 'word',

        /* jQuery-selector for the element to keep and put after the ellipsis. */
        after : null,

        /* Whether to update the ellipsis: true/'window' */
        watch : true,

        /* Optionally set a max-height, if null, the height will be measured. */
        height : null,

        /* Deviation for the height-option. */
        tolerance : 0,

        /* Callback function that is fired after the ellipsis is added,
        receives two parameters: isTruncated(boolean), orgContent(string). */
        callback : function( isTruncated, orgContent ) {},

        lastCharacter : {
            /* Remove these characters from the end of the truncated text. */
            remove : [ ' ', ',', ';', '.', '!', '?' ],

            /* Don't add an ellipsis if this array contains
            the last character of the truncated text. */
            noEllipsis : []

相关的 HTML 是(它很丑,我知道,我还在试验它):

<article class="article">
  <div class="article-image"></div>
  <p class="date">December 19, 2012</p>
  <p class="article-content">Lorem ipsum etc. (the actual content is larger)</p>


article {
  font-size: 99%;
  width: 28%;
  line-height: 1.5;
  float: left;
  margin-left: 8%;
  margin-bottom: 3em;
  text-align: justify;

article h2 {
  font-size: 125%;
  line-height: 0.5;
  text-transform: uppercase;
  font-weight: normal;
  text-align: left;
  color: rgba(0,0,0,0.65);

.date {
  margin-top: 0.3em;
  margin-bottom: 1em;
  font-family: 'PT Sans';
  color: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);

.article-image {
  background-image: url(http://lorempixel.com/g/400/300/city/7);
  width: 100%;
  height: 13em;
  overflow: hidden;
  margin-bottom: 1.5em;

p.article-content {
  font-family   : 'PT Sans';
  color         : rgba(0,0,0,0.65);
  margin-bottom : 0;
  height        : 7em;
  overflow      : hidden;

4 回答 4


起初,dotdotdot 似乎很容易。但是我也遇到了包含大量内容的响应式页面的问题。文档准备好后,页面上的容器仍在调整大小,因为正在填充内容。在您的评论的帮助下,我的解决方案现在是:

$(document).ready(ellipsizeText);        // Plugin must have been working flawles inhere as described in documentation.
window.setTimeout(ellipsizeText, 400);   // Just for any case.
window.setTimeout(ellipsizeText, 800);   // Maybe user didn't saw it flickering.
$(window).load(ellipsizeText);           // Oh hell! the images are loading so not all containers are yet on their places. We wait on them..
function ellipsizeText()
        watch: true

我认为正确的解决方案是在更改位置或大小以更新 dotdotdot 时,将侦听器附加到每个带有文本的容器,而不仅仅是调整窗口大小。也许使用Ben Alman yquery 调整大小插件


于 2014-08-28T12:50:16.533 回答


于 2013-06-25T10:02:56.740 回答


$(document).ready(function() {
            // All your code goes here

    // The second .resize() will fire when the document is ready (i.e. onload),
    // therefore executing .dotdotdot() upon loading

[编辑]:根据 Kevin 的建议,由于.dotdotdot()已经监听了 resize 事件,你甚至不需要包装函数。只需在文档准备好时触发事件,使用$(window).resize().

于 2013-03-08T20:13:53.280 回答

从 watch: "window" 更改为 watch: true


于 2015-11-19T11:02:52.403 回答