
Col1   Col2   Col3
A1     1      null
A1     2      null
B1     5      null
B2     6      null
M1     1      M
M2     2      M
M3     3      M
J1     1      J
J2     2      J

我想根据 Col1 对 Col2 求和。查询将如下所示,

select Col1, sum (Col2)
group by Col1

但是,如果 Col3 具有相同的字母,我想为所有 Col1 总结 Col2。所以结果表应该是这样的

Col1    Col2 
A1      3
B1      5
B2      6
M1      6
M2      6
M3      6
J1      3
J2      3



2 回答 2


Edit after comment / update to question. I didn't know a clever way, seems like some others have one though.

select * from (
select Col1, SUM(Col2) Col2
from Table
where Col3 is null
group by Col1


select mainset.Col1, tmp.Col2
from Table mainset
    select Col3, SUM(Col2) Col2
    from Table
    where Col3 is not null
    group by Col3
) tmp on tmp.Col3 = mainset.Col3

where mainset.Col3 is not null
) fullset
order by fullset.Col1
于 2013-03-08T19:53:20.553 回答


    ;WITH col3Sum AS
        SELECT Col3, SUM(Col2) SUM3
        FROM #a
        WHERE col3 IS NOT NULL
        GROUP BY col3
        col1Sum AS
        SELECT Col1, SUM(Col2) sum1
        FROM #a 
        GROUP BY Col1
    SELECT c1.Col1, ISNULL(c3.SUM3, c1.sum1) AS Col2
    FROM col1Sum c1
    LEFT JOIN col3Sum c3
        ON c1.Col1 LIKE c3.Col3+'%'
    ORDER BY c1.Col1
于 2013-03-08T20:18:03.463 回答