I am currently trying to learn how to parse data, and its a bit confusing. can someone check out my code and see what I'm doing wrong or if im even heading in the right direction.
XML File:
<xml xmlns:a='BLAH'
<b:cat Option1='blah' Option2='blah' Option3='blah' />
C# Code:
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNamespaceManager man = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable);
man.AddNamespace("a", "BLAH");
man.AddNamespace("b", "BLAH");
man.AddNamespace("c", "BLAH");
man.AddNamespace("d", "BLAH");
XmlNode temps = doc.SelectSingleNode("/a:info/b:cat/Option1/", man);
richTextBox1.Text = temps.InnerText;
I am new to C#, I cant find a good example explaining how to successfully use loops to find more then one:
<b:chat />