local sExisting
on openfield
put the text of me into sExisting
end openfield
on textChanged
put the selectedText && sExisting && the text of me into msg
if the text of me is a number or me is empty then
put the text of me into sExisting
put sExisting into me
end if
end textChanged
NB - 如果您键入无效字符,输入光标将移动到行首;如果您想做任何不同的事情,那么您可以锁定屏幕(作为“textChanged”中的第一个操作)并在完成后解锁。
每次用户按下一个键时,都会向您的字段发送一个 keydown 消息:
on keydown pKey
-- check the input --
-- pass on the keydown message --
end keydown
on keydown pKey
if pKey is a number then
pass keydown
else if pKey is "." then
set the itemdel to "."
if the number of items of me < 2 then
pass keydown
end if
end if
end keydown
local sExisting, sSelected
on openfield
put the text of me into sExisting
end openfield
on textChanged
--put the selectedText && sExisting && the text of me into msg
put the selectedChunk into sSelected
if the text of me is a number or me is empty or me is "-" then
put the text of me into sExisting
put sExisting into me
end if
select sSelected
end textChanged
我发现将其添加为单独的答案比编辑我之前的答案更容易并且可能更好。这需要 Marek 的改进,增加了一个领先的“。”。并且通常还允许前导和尾随空格,而不是仅在输入数字之后。
我们仍然没有完全涵盖插入科学记数法(例如 1.2e34)的情况,因为在这种情况下最终值是有效的,但中间状态之一(1.2e)不是。
local sExisting
on openfield
put the text of me into sExisting
end openfield
on textChanged
local tMe, tChunk, tDeltaLength, tWhere
put the selectedChunk of me into tChunk
put word 1 to -1 of the text of me into tMe -- strip leading/trailing spaces
if tMe is a number or tMe = "-" or tMe = "." or tMe is empty then
put the text of me into sExisting
-- calculate how many characters were inserted,
-- and move the insertion point back to there
put the number of chars in me - the number of chars in sExisting into tDeltaLength
put sExisting into me
put word 4 of tChunk - tDeltaLength into tWhere
put tWhere into word 4 of tChunk
put tWhere into word 2 of tChunk
do ("select after " & tChunk & " of me")
end if
end textChanged
on KeyDown theKey
if (the text of me & theKey) is a number then
pass keyDown
else if the text of me is empty and theKey is "-" then
pass keyDown
end if
end KeyDown
local sExisting, sSelected, sSelected1
on openField
put the text of me into sExisting
end openField
on selectionChanged
put the selectedChunk into sSelected1
put "sSelected1: " & sSelected1 into line 1 of msg
end selectionChanged
on arrowKey
send "selectionChanged" to me in 0
pass arrowKey
end arrowKey
on textChanged
local tMinus, tDot
put empty into tDot
put empty into tMinus
put the selectedChunk into sSelected
put "sSelected: " & sSelected into line 2 of msg
get matchChunk (me, "^(-?)[0-9]*(\.)?([0-9]*)$", tMinus, tMinus, tDot, tDot)
if it then
switch tDot
case 2
if tMinus = 1 then put "-0." & char 3 to -1 of me into me
put (word 2 of sSelected) + 1 into word 2 of sSelected
put (word 4 of sSelected) + 1 into word 4 of sSelected
case 1
put "0." & char 2 to -1 of me into me
put (word 2 of sSelected) + 1 into word 2 of sSelected
put (word 4 of sSelected) + 1 into word 4 of sSelected
end switch
send "selectionChanged" to me in 0
put me into sExisting
if not (me is empty) then
put sExisting into me
put sSelected1 into sSelected
end if
end if
select sSelected
end textChanged
它可能并不完美,但粘贴后的选择和任何字符输入(甚至不允许)应该是正确的。您可以从“-”或“.”开始输入。此外,使用“自动更正” - 如果您键入“.34”或“-.34”,您将被更正为“0.34”或“-0.34”。
on keyDown pKey
if pKey = "-" and me <> "" then exit keyDown
if pKey = "." and "." is in me then exit keyDown
if pKey is in "-0123456789." then pass keydown
end keyDown
如果 pKey 在“0123456789”字符中,则在 KeyDown pKey 上。并且(我的长度)< 15 然后通过 keyDown end Keydown