build_job 不返回作业编号的问题主要问题,返回队列项目的编号(仅持续 5 分钟)。所以诀窍是
- build_job
- 获取队列号,
- 使用队列号获取 job_number
- 现在我们知道了工作的名称和工作编号
- get_job_info 并循环这些工作,直到我们找到一个带有我们工作编号的工作
- 检查状态
import time
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import jenkins
def launch_job(jenkins_connection, job_name, parameters={}, wait=False, interval=30, time_out=7200):
Create a jenkins job and waits for the job to finish
:param jenkins_connection: jenkins server jenkins object
:param job_name: the name of job we want to create and see if finish string
:param parameters: the parameters of the job to build directory
:param wait: if we want to wait for the job to finish or not bool
:param interval: how often we want to monitor seconds int
:param time_out: break the loop after certain X seconds int
:return: build job number int
# we lunch the job and returns a queue_id
job_id = jenkins_connection.build_job(job_name, parameters)
# from the queue_id we get the job number that was created
queue_job = jenkins_connection.get_queue_item(job_id, depth=0)
build_number = queue_job["executable"]["number"]
print(f"job_name: {job_name} build_number: {build_number}")
if wait is True:
now =
later = now + timedelta(seconds=time_out)
while True:
# we check current time vs the timeout(later)
if > later:
raise ValueError(f"Job: {job_name}:{build_number} is running for more than {time_out} we"
f"stop monitoring the job, you can check it in Jenkins")
b = jenkins_connection.get_job_info(job_name, depth=1, fetch_all_builds=False)
for i in b["builds"]:
loop_id = i["id"]
if int(loop_id) == build_number:
result = (i["result"])
print(f"result: {result}") # in the json looks like null
if result is not None:
return i
# break
# return result
return build_number
在我们要求詹金斯构建作业>获取队列#>获取作业#>循环信息并获取状态直到从无变为其他内容之后。if works 将返回包含该作业信息的目录。(希望詹金斯库可以实现这样的东西。)