I have the following config
Ubuntu server 10.04 running on a VirtualBox VM (RAM and cpu usage are low) ruby 1.9.3 rails 3.2.12 webrick
If I do any of the things below the system seems to wait for about 15 seconds before executing the command - rake taks - rails s - navigating to a new page in the app
Things I have looked at - this is before the sprockets section, and does the same with rake, so at the moment I am not looking at things such as dev-tweaks - I have changed the webrick config.rb to have the line :DoNotReverseLookup => true - I have host entries for my host machine on the VM. ping is very fast between both machines - I have tried Thin and experienced the same issue. I haven't tried mongrel but am thinking I will see the same
But still it is excruciatingly slow.
Any thoughts?