我正在使用GeoModel开发一个应用程序。我需要根据给定的纬度和经度在特定半径内执行搜索。我能够使用 Objectify 在数据存储中生成 GeoCell,但无法取回特定半径的结果。
public class NewsFeed implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private Long feedID;
private String topic;
private String title;
private String description;
private Date createDate;
private String imageOrVideo;
private String imageUrl;
private String blobKey;
private Double latitude;
private Double longitude;
private List<String> cells;
// getter and setters ...
来自此源的自定义 GeocellQueryEngine 类
public class ObjectifyGeocellQueryEngine implements GeocellQueryEngine {
private String geocellsProperty;
private Objectify ofy;
public static final String DEFAULT_GEOCELLS_PROPERTY = "cells";
public ObjectifyGeocellQueryEngine(Objectify ofy) {
public ObjectifyGeocellQueryEngine(Objectify ofy, String geocellsProperty) {
this.ofy = ofy;
this.geocellsProperty = geocellsProperty;
public <T> List<T> query(GeocellQuery baseQuery, List<String> geocells, Class<T> entityClass) {
StringTokenizer st;
int tokenNo = 0;
Query<T> query = ofy.query(entityClass);
if (baseQuery != null) {
st = new StringTokenizer(baseQuery.getBaseQuery(), ",");
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
query.filter(st.nextToken(), baseQuery.getParameters().get(tokenNo++));
return query.filter(geocellsProperty + " IN", geocells).list();
Point p = new Point(24.8993714, 79.5839124);
// Generates the list of GeoCells
List<String> cells = GeocellManager.generateGeoCell(p);
List<Object> params = new ArrayList<Object>();
GeocellQuery baseQuery = new GeocellQuery("topic == topic", "String topic",params);
ObjectifyGeocellQueryEngine objectifyGeocellQueryEngine = new ObjectifyGeocellQueryEngine(ofy(), "cells");
List<NewsFeed> list = objectifyGeocellQueryEngine.query(baseQuery, cells, NewsFeed.class);
List<NewsFeed> list2 = GeocellManager.proximitySearch(p, 10, 10000,NewsFeed.class, baseQuery, objectifyGeocellQueryEngine, GeocellManager.MAX_GEOCELL_RESOLUTION);
System.out.println(list+" : "+list2);