我的行动课程中有一份员工详细信息列表。我在 JSF 的 dataTable 中显示它们。并允许用户编辑属性。

我想将所有这些属性和对象映射到操作类中的列表。我尝试使用托管属性...但我想如何从 JSP 页面传递这些属性。如何在 JSF 中实现这一点?

 // Navigation rule configured and works well

 //Action clss
public class EmployeePropertiesBean

    private List<Exmployee> emplyeeList = new ArrayList<Exmployee>(); //with getter setters

//JSP page
<h:dataTable value="#{employeeProps.emplyeeList}" var="employeePropEntry" >

<h:inputText value="#{advancedPropEntry.value}" id="propText" rendered="#{employeePropEntry.type=='text'}">
// Trying to populated the Employee list properties using below the but not working... Similar stuff works with Struts
<h:inputHidden id="emplyeeList[0].name" value="#{employeePropEntry.name}"></h:inputHidden>


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