

2 回答 2


在字典中搜索后,我找到了 selectedLoc 函数。我最终在每次调整字段大小后执行了以下代码,这给出了我想要的行为。

   put item 2 of the selectedLoc-the scroll of pField into tSelectionHeight
   if tSelectionHeight > the scroll of pField+the height of pField then
      set the scroll of pField to tSelectionHeight-the height of pField
   end if
于 2013-03-08T06:15:39.827 回答

如果没有选定的位置,则以下操作也有效。我在 PowerDebug 中使用它来将断点或当前代码行置于调试窗口的中心。(是的,我意识到我假设线高在现场是一致的)。

command CenterDebugText pLinesToHilite
  local tLineHeight, tFieldHeight
  local tScroll

  lock screen
  set the hilitedlines of field kDebugFieldName of me to pLinesToHilite
  -- center the breakpoint line in the display

  -- calculate the number of visible script lines
  put the effective textheight of field kDebugFieldName into tLineHeight
  put the height of field kDebugFieldName into tFieldHeight

  put tLineHeight * (item 1 of pLinesToHilite) into tScroll
  subtract tFieldHeight / 2 from tScroll
  set the vscroll of field kDebugFieldName to trunc(tScroll)
  unlock screen
end CenterDebugText
于 2013-03-19T20:28:09.500 回答