我发现自己必须创建很多不可变的类,并且我想找到一种没有多余信息的方法。我不能使用匿名类型,因为我需要从方法中返回这些类。我想要智能感知支持,所以我不想使用字典、动态或类似的东西。我还想要名称良好的属性,它排除了 Tuple<>。到目前为止,我尝试过的一些模式:

// inherit Tuple<>. This has the added benefit of giving you Equals() and GetHashCode()
public class MyImmutable : Tuple<int, string, bool> {
   public MyImmutable(int field1, string field2, bool field3) : base(field1, field2, field3) { }

   public int Field1 { get { return this.Item1; } }
   public string Field2 { get { return this.Item2; } }
   public bool Field3 { get { return this.Item3; } }


// using a custom SetOnce<T> struct that throws an error if set twice or if read before being set
// the nice thing about this approach is that you can skip writing a constructor and 
// use object initializer syntax.
public class MyImmutable {
    private SetOnce<int> _field1;
    private SetOnce<string> _field2;
    private SetOnce<bool> _field3;

   public int Field1 { get { return this._field1.Value; } set { this._field1.Value = value; }
   public string Field2 { get { return this._field2.Value; } set { this._field2.Value = value; }
   public bool Field3 { get { return this._field3.Value; } set { this._field3.Value = value; }


// EDIT: another idea I thought of: create an Immutable<T> type which allows you to
// easily expose types with simple get/set properties as immutable
public class Immutable<T> {
    private readonly Dictionary<PropertyInfo, object> _values;       

    public Immutable(T obj) {
        // if we are worried about the performance of this reflection, we could always statically cache
        // the getters as compiled delegates
        this._values = typeof(T).GetProperties()
            .Where(pi => pi.CanRead)
            // Utils.MemberComparer is a static IEqualityComparer that correctly compares
            // members so that ReflectedType is ignored
            .ToDictionary(pi => pi, pi => pi.GetValue(obj, null), Utils.MemberComparer);

    public TProperty Get<TProperty>(Expression<Func<T, TProperty>> propertyAccessor) {
        var prop = (PropertyInfo)((MemberExpression)propertyAccessor.Body).Member;
        return (TProperty)this._values[prop];

// usage
public class Mutable { int A { get; set; } }

// we could easily write a ToImmutable extension that would give us type inference
var immutable = new Immutable<Mutable>(new Mutable { A = 5 });
var a = immutable.Get(m => m.A);

// obviously, this is less performant than the other suggestions and somewhat clumsier to use.
// However, it does make declaring the immutable type quite concise, and has the advantage that we can make
// any mutable type immutable


// EDIT: Phil Patterson and others mentioned the following pattern
// this seems to be roughly the same # characters as with Tuple<>, but results in many
// more lines and doesn't give you free Equals() and GetHashCode()
public class MyImmutable 
   public MyImmutable(int field1, string field2, bool field3)
        Field1 = field1;
        Field2 = field2;
        Field3 = field3;

   public int Field1 { get; private set; }
   public string Field2 { get; private set; }
   public bool Field3 { get; private set; }




3 回答 3



public class MyImmutable 
   public MyImmutable(int field1, string field2, bool field3)
        Field1 = field1;
        Field2 = field2;
        Field3 = field3;

   public int Field1 { get; private set; }
   public string Field2 { get; private set; }
   public bool Field3 { get; private set; }
于 2013-03-07T22:42:09.590 回答

查看public {get;private set;}属性是否适用于您的情况 - 比单独的字段声明更紧凑,语义完全相同。

更新:正如 ChaseMedallion 在问题中评论和内联的那样,这种方法不提供与方法不同的自动生成GetHashCode和方法。EqualsTuple

class MyImmutable 
    public int MyProperty {get; private set;}

    public MyImmutable(int myProperty)
       MyProperty = v;


  • 在构建时预先计算GetHashCode 并存储为对象的一部分,以避免对集合/字符串进行无界检查。可能是可选的,以允许选择在Dictionary.
  • 隐藏通用名称(即或仅使用EditorBrowsableAttributeprotected隐藏智能),因此不会混淆 2 组名称。
  • 考虑在调试构建/FxCop 规则中强制字段类型不可变...

旁注:查看 Eric Lippert关于不可变类型的系列

于 2013-03-07T22:41:56.327 回答

当存在相应的可变类时,不可变类最有用,该类的内容可以轻松地从不可变类型实例加载或复制到新的不可变类型实例。如果一个不可变对象需要对其进行超过 2-3 次“更改”(即更改引用,使其指向与原始对象不同的不可变对象),则将数据复制到可变对象,更改它,并将其存储回来通常比创建一个以某种方式与原始对象不同的对象,然后创建一个以另一种方式不同于该对象的新对象等更实用。


如果一个程序员了解结构的工作原理(我认为这种知识是基础知识,即使其他人不同意),那么可以将结构类型公开。即使结构是公共的,拥有一个可变持有者类也可能很有用,因为有时引用语义很有用(例如,人们可能希望能够更改存储在 a 中的某些内容Dictionary而不必更改其Dictionary本身),但是转换to-mutable/change/convert-to-immutable 模式在结构类型上比在类类型上效果更好。

于 2013-03-12T17:14:14.350 回答