光尺寸。我在这里发现了关于 stackoverflow 的类似问题(在链接中您可以看到标准IKImageBrowserCell
- (NSRect) imageFrame
// //get default imageFrame and aspect ratio
NSRect imageFrame = [super imageFrame];
if(imageFrame.size.height == 0 || imageFrame.size.width == 0) return NSZeroRect;
float aspectRatio = imageFrame.size.width / imageFrame.size.height;
// compute the rectangle included in container with a margin of at least 10 pixel at the bottom, 5 pixel at the top and keep a correct aspect ratio
NSRect container = [self imageContainerFrame];
container = NSInsetRect(container, 8, 8);
if(container.size.height <= 0) return NSZeroRect;
float containerAspectRatio = container.size.width / container.size.height;
if(containerAspectRatio > aspectRatio){
imageFrame.size.height = container.size.height;
imageFrame.origin.y = container.origin.y;
imageFrame.size.width = imageFrame.size.height * aspectRatio;
imageFrame.origin.x = container.origin.x + (container.size.width - imageFrame.size.width)*0.5;
imageFrame.size.width = container.size.width;
imageFrame.origin.x = container.origin.x;
imageFrame.size.height = imageFrame.size.width / aspectRatio;
imageFrame.origin.y = container.origin.y + container.size.height - imageFrame.size.height;
//round it
imageFrame.origin.x = floorf(imageFrame.origin.x);
imageFrame.origin.y = floorf(imageFrame.origin.y);
imageFrame.size.width = ceilf(imageFrame.size.width);
imageFrame.size.height = ceilf(imageFrame.size.height);
return imageFrame;
// imageContainerFrame
// override the default image container frame
- (NSRect) imageContainerFrame
NSRect container = [super frame];
//make the image container 15 pixels up
container.origin.y += 15;
container.size.height -= 15;
return container;
/* selection layer */
if(type == IKImageBrowserCellSelectionLayer){
//create a selection layer
CALayer *selectionLayer = [CALayer layer];
selectionLayer.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, frame.size.height, frame.size.height);
float fillComponents[4] = {1.0, 0, 0.5, 0.3};
float strokeComponents[4] = {1.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1};
//set a background color
CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
color = CGColorCreate(colorSpace, fillComponents);
[selectionLayer setBackgroundColor:color];
//set a border color
color = CGColorCreate(colorSpace, strokeComponents);
[selectionLayer setBorderColor:color];
[selectionLayer setBorderWidth:2.0];
[selectionLayer setCornerRadius:5];
return selectionLayer;
如您所见,选择的框架已更改,但我无法以我不希望的方式对其进行修改。我只是想让高光与图像缩略图的大小相同。我试图修改选择代码 ( selectionLayer.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, frame.size.height, frame.size.height);
) 但没有任何反应。任何人都可以帮助我吗?谢谢!